Yavuz Yaman
Professor (Teaching and Research)
Address: Middle East Technical University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, A-205, Çankaya, 06800 Ankara/Turkey
Telephone: +903122104285
Fax: +903122104250
E-mail: yyaman@metu.edu.tr yavuz.yaman@ae.metu.edu.tr
Nationality: Turkish

Dates (from – to)
2003 to date
Name and address of employer
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Aerospace Engineering
Type of business or sector
Higher Education and Research
Occupation or position held
Professor (Teaching and Research)
Main activities and responsibilities
Aerospace Structures, Vibrations, Morphing, Aeroelasticity
Dates (from – to)
2016 to date
Name and address of employer
Middle East Technical University
Type of business or sector
Higher Education and Research
Occupation or position held
Member of University Executive Board (Faculty of Engineering Representative)
Main activities and responsibilities
University administration
Dates (from – to)
2016 to date
Name and address of employer
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering
Type of business or sector
Higher Education and Research
Occupation or position held
Member of Faculty of Engineering Educational Committee
Main activities and responsibilities
Responsible for curriculum activities
Dates (from – to)
2004 to date
Name and address of employer
Middle East Technical University
Type of business or sector
Higher Education and Research
Occupation or position held
Member of University Continuing Education Centre (Faculty of Engineering Representative)
Main activities and responsibilities
University-Society Relations and Activities
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering
Type of business or sector
Higher Education and Research
Occupation or position held
Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
Main activities and responsibilities
Responsible for departments, students, curriculum development, curriculum activities
Dates (from – to)
1993 - 2003
Name and address of employer
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Aeronautical Engineering
Type of business or sector
Higher Education and Research
Occupation or position held
Associate Professor (Teaching and Research)
Main activities and responsibilities
Aerospace Structures, Vibrations
Dates (from – to)
03/ 1998 – 09/1998
Name and address of employer
Canadian Space Agency
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Researcher during Sabbatical period
Main activities and responsibilities
Dates (from – to)
03/1998 – 09/ 1998
Name and address of employer
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Type of business or sector
Higher Education and Research
Occupation or position held
Researcher during Sabbatical period
Main activities and responsibilities
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Aeronautical Engineering
Type of business or sector
Higher Education and Research
Occupation or position held
Assistant Professor (Teaching and Research)
Main activities and responsibilities
Aerospace Structures, Vibrations
Dates (from – to)
10/ 1984 - 03/1989
Name and address of employer
University of Southampton, Hampshire, UK
Type of business or sector
Higher Education and Research
Occupation or position held
Ph. D. student
Main activities and responsibilities
Research on the Vibration of Aircraft Wings
Dates (from – to)
Name and type of organization providing education and training
University of Southampton, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Principal subjects/occupational
Vibration of Aeronautical Structures, wings in particular
Title of qualification awarded
Dates (from – to)
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Principal subjects/occupational
Vibration of Damped Mechanical Structures
Title of qualification awarded
Dates (from – to)
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Principal subjects/occupational
Mechanical Engineering
Title of qualification awarded
B. Sc.
Reading skills
Very Good
Writing skills
Very Good
Verbal skills
Very Good
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.
Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.
Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.
Dr. Yaman uses computers extensively for research, writing up, comunication, presentation etc.
Competences not mentioned above.
Competences not mentioned above.
1992 to date, International Driving License
1. D.J. Mead, Y.Yaman, ‘The Harmonic Response of Uniform Beams on Multiple Linear Supports : A Flexural Wave Analysis’, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 141(3), 465-484, 1990. 2. D.J. Mead, Y.Yaman, ‘The Response of Infinite Periodic Beams to Point Harmonic Forces: A Flexural Wave Analysis’, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 144(3), 507-530, 1991 3. D.J. Mead, Y.Yaman, ‘The Harmonic Response of Rectangular Sandwich Plates With Multiple Stiffening : A Flexural Wave Analysis’, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 145(3), 409-428, 1991 4. S. Darendeliler Yaman, T. Alaçam, Y. Yaman, ‘Analysis of Stress Distribution in a Vertically Condensed Maxillary Central Incisor Root Canal’, Journal of Endodontics, 21(6), 321 - 325, 1995 5. Y.Yaman, ‘Vibrations of Open-section Channels: A Coupled Flexural and Torsional Wave Analysis’, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 204(1), 131-158, 1997 6. S. Darendeliler Yaman, T. Alaçam, Y. Yaman, ‘Analysis of Stress Distribution in a Maxillary Central Incisor Subjected to Various Post and Core Applications’,Journal of Endodontics, 24(2), 107-111,1998 7. Y.Yaman, Ö. Özdemir, ‘Forced Vibrations of Trıply Coupled, Periodically and Elastically Supported, Finite, Open-Section Channels’, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 250(4), 649-673, 2002 8. Y.Yaman, Y. Akman, E. Söylemez, ‘Kinematic Synthesis of Flight Control Sytems for Light Aircrafts’, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, 4(1), 12-18, 2002 9. Y.Yaman, S. Ö. Dinçer, ‘Development of a Wing Preliminary Structural Analysis Code’, Journal of Aircraft, 39(3), 512-514, 2002, (Technical Note) 10. M. Şahin, F. M. Karadal, Y. Yaman, Ö.F. Kırcalı, V. Nalbantoğlu, F. D. Ülker, T. Çalışkan, ‘Smart Structures and Their Applications on Active Vibration Control: Studies in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, METU’, Journal of Electroceramics, 20(3-4): 167-174, 2008 11. Ö.F. Kırcalı, Y. Yaman, V. Nalbantoğlu, M. Şahin, F. M. Karadal, F. D. Ülker, ‘Spatial Control of a Smart Beam’, Journal of Electroceramics, 20(3-4): 175-185, 2008 12. Y. Chen, F. D. Ulker, V. Nalbantoglu, V. Wickramasinghe, D. Zimcik, Y. Yaman, ‘Active Control of Smart Fin Model for Aircraft Buffeting Load Alleviation Applications’, Journal of Aircraft, 46(6): 1965-1972, DOI: 10.2514/1.42489, 2009 13. C. Onat, M. Sahin, Y. Yaman, ‘Fractional Controller Design for Suppressing Smart Beam Vibrations’, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 84(4):203-212, 2012 14. Y. Yaman, İ. O. Tunçöz, Y. Yang, P. Arslan, U. Kalkan, H. Tıraş, E. Gürses, M. Şahin, S. Özgen, ‘Decamber Morphing Concepts by Using a Hybrid Trailing Edge Control Surface’, Aerospace, 2(3):482-504; DOI:10.3390/aerospace2030482, 2015 15. L. Ünlüsoy, Y. Yaman, ‘Aeroelastic Behaviour of UAV Wings Due to Morphing’, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 89(1):30-38, DOI: 10.1108/AEAT-12-2014-0217, 2017 16. E. Gürses, İ. O. Tunçöz, Y. Yang, P. Arslan, U. Kalkan, H. Tıraş, M. Şahin, S. Özgen, Y. Yaman, ‘Structural and Aerodynamic Analyses of a Hybrid Trailing Edge Control Surface of a Fully Morphing Wing’, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 28: 979-991, 2017 DOI:10.1177/1045389X16641200 17. B. Değerliyurt, C. Karataş, M. Şahin, Y. Yaman, ‘Structural Health Monitoring System of Composite Beams with Surface Bonded and Embedded Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors’, Key Engineering Materials, 744: 332-336, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.744.332, ISSN:1662-9795, 2017 18. Y. Yaman, ‘Fully Morphing Aircraft Structures: Studies from the Department of Aerospace Engineering, METU, Ankara, Turkey’, International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 4(1): 01-10, ISSN online: 2050- 0475, ISSN print: 2050-0467, DOI:10.1504/IJSA.2018.10014055, 2018 19. H. L. Şahin, Y. Yaman, ‘Synthesis, Analysis and Design of a Novel Mechanism for the Trailing Edge of a Morphing Wing’, Aerospace, 5(4), 127, https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace5040127, 2018 20. C. Karataş, B. Değerliyurt, Y. Yaman, M. Şahin, ‘Fibre Bragg Grating Sensor Applications for Structural Health Monitoring’, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 92(3): 355–367, ISSN 1748-8842, DOI:10.1108/AEAT-11-2017-0255, 2020 |
Dr. Yaman has authored or co-authored 58 (fifty-eight) International Conference Proceedings. Those which have been published within last 10 years are given here. 1. S. Özgen, Y. Yaman, M. Şahin, G. Seber, S. Körpe, E. Sakarya, L. Ünlüsoy, T. İnsuyu, G. Bayram, Y. Uludağ, A. Yılmaz, ‘Morphing Air Vehicle Concepts’, UVW2010, International Unmanned Vehicle Workshop, Paper ID: 5, 10-12 June 2010, İstanbul 2. M. Şahin, E. Sakarya, L. Ünlüsoy, E. T. İnsuyu, G. Seber, S. Özgen, Y. Yaman, ‘Design, Analysis and Experimental Modal Testing of a Mission Adaptive Wing of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle’, UVW2010, International Unmanned Vehicle Workshop, Paper ID: 10, 10-12 June 2010, İstanbul 3. C. Onat, M. Şahin, Y. Yaman, ‘Active Vibration Suppression of a Smart Beam via PIλDµ Control’, IWPMA2010, 7th International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators, 11-13 October 2010, Antalya, Turkey 4. C. Onat, M. Şahin, Y. Yaman, ‘Active Vibration Suppression of a Smart Beam by Using an LQG Control Algorithm’, 2nd ICEAF, 2nd International Conference of Engineering Against Fracture, Paper: 3.1, 22-24 June 2011, Mykonos, Greece 5. C. Onat, M. Şahin, Y. Yaman, ‘Active Vibration Suppression of a Smart Beam by Using a Fractional Order Control’, 2nd ICEAF, 2nd International Conference of Engineering Against Fracture, Paper: 3.3, 22-24 June 2011, Mykonos, Greece 6. C. Onat, M. Şahin, Y. Yaman, ‘Performance Analysis of a Fractional Controller Developed for the Vibration Suppression of a Smart Beam’, 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials (SMART´11), Conference CD: 213-222, Saarland University, 6-8 July 2011, Saarbrücken, Germany 7. C. Onat, M. Şahin, Y. Yaman, ‘An Experimental Performance Evaluation for the Suppression of Vibrations of the Second Mode of a Smart Beam’, AIAC2011, 6. Ankara International Aerospace Conference, 14-16 September 2011, Ankara, AIAC-2011-015 8. A. Tamer, Y.Yaman, ‘Optimization of an Helicopter Rotor for Minimum Vibratory Loads’, AIAC2011, 6. Ankara International Aerospace Conference, 14-16 September 2011, Ankara, AIAC-2011-054 9. A. Kayır, Y.Yaman, ‘Multiple Aspect Design of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Wing’, AIAC2011, 6. Ankara International Aerospace Conference, 14-16 September 2011, Ankara, AIAC-2011-056 10. C. Onat, M. Sahin, Y. Yaman, E. Prasad and S. Nemana, ‘Design of an LPV Based Fractional Controller for the Vibration Suppression of a Smart Beam’, CanSmart2011, International Workshop on Smart Materials & Structures and NDT in Aerospace, 02-04 November 2011, Montreal, Canada 11. A. Tamer, E. Taşkınoğlu, Y. Yaman, ‘The Vibratory Loads of an Optimized Helicopter Rotor at Off-design Conditions’, UMTIK-2012, 15th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, 19-22 June 2012, Pamukkale, Denizli, Turkey 12. L. Ünlüsoy, M. Sahin, Y. Yaman, ‘Verification of a Finite Element Model of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Wing Torque Box via Experimental Modal Testing’, ESDA2012, ASME 2012 11th Biennial Conference On Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, 02-04 June 2012, Nantes, France 13. C. Onat, M. Şahin, Y. Yaman, ‘Optimal Control of a Smart Beam by Using a Luenberger Observer’, ICEAF III, 3rd International Conference of Engineering Against Failure, 26-28 June 2013, Kos, Greece 14. A. Tamer, V. Muscarello, P. Masarati, G. Quaranta, Y. Yaman, ‘The Effect of Higher Harmonic Control on the Vibratory Loads and Airframe Vibration Reduction of a Light Helicopter’, ERF, 39th European Rotorcraft Forum, 03-06 September 2013, Moscow 15. L. Ünlüsoy, Y. Yaman, ‘Flutter Characteristics of an Adaptive Wing Having Camber Change and Free Play Nonlinearity’, AIAC2013, 7th Ankara International Aerospace Conference, 11-13 September 2013, METU, Ankara, AIAC-2013-107 16. Y. Yaman, ‘Combined morpHing Assessment software usiNG flight Envelope data and mission based morphing prototype wing development, CHANGE; an Overview Presentation’, 3rd EASN International Workshop on Aerostructures, 09-11 October 2013, Milano, Italy 17. P. Arslan, U. Kalkan, H. Tıraş, İ. O. Tunçöz, Y. Yang, E. Gürses, M. Şahin, S. Özgen, Y. Yaman, ‘A Hybrid Trailing Edge Control Surface Concept’, DeMEASS-VI, 6th Conference for Design, Modelling and Experiments of Advanced Structures and Systems, 25-28 May 2014, Ede-Wageningen, Netherland 18. P. Arslan, U. Kalkan, H. Tıraş, İ. O. Tunçöz, Y. Yang, E. Gürses, M. Şahin, S. Özgen, Y. Yaman, ‘Structural Analysis of an Unconventional Hybrid Control Surface of a Morphing Wing’, ICAST2014: 25nd International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, 06-08 Ekim 2014, The Hague, Netherland 19. İ. O. Tunçöz, Y. Yang, E. Gürses, M. Şahin, S. Özgen, Y. Yaman, ‘A Hybrid Trailing Edge Control Surface Capable of Camber and Decamber Morphing’, SMART2015, 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, 03-06 June, 2015, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal 20. İ. O. Tunçöz, Y. Yang, E. Gürses, M. Şahin, S. Özgen, Y. Yaman, ‘Design and Analyses of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Hybrid Trailing Edge Control Surface Having Camber and Decamber Capabilities’, AIAC2015, 8th Ankara International Aerospace Conference, 10-12 September 2015, METU, Ankara, AIAC-2015-131 21. Y. Yang, S. Özgen, Y. Yaman, A. Ciarella, M. Hahn, C. Beaverstock, M. Friswell, ‘MDAO for Aerodynamic Assessment of a Morphed Wing for the Loiter Segment of a UAV Flight Mission’, SciTech 2016, AIAA Science and Technology Forum 2016, 04-08 January 2016, San Diego, USA, AIAA-2016-0314 22. İ. O. Tunçöz, Y. Yang, E. Gürses, M. Şahin, Y. Yaman, S. Özgen, ‘A Hybrid Morphing Trailing Edge Designed for Camber Change of the Control Surface’, SciTech 2016, AIAA Science and Technology Forum 2016, 04-08 January 2016, San Diego, USA, AIAA-2016-0316 23. S. Gül, M. Emre Bilen, M. Şahin, D. Gürak, Y. Yaman, ‘A Convergence Study for Comprehensive Tools in Longitudinal Maneuvers’, AHS2016, 72nd American Helicopter Society Annual Forum & Technology Display, 17-19 May 2016, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA. 24. H. Tıraş, S. Gül, D. Gürak, Y. Yaman, ‘Calculation of Pitch Link Loads and Actuator Rod Loads by using Blade Position and Blade Loads’,VIRM11, Vibrations in Rotating Machinery, IMECHE, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, University of Manchester, 13-15 September 2016, Manchester, UK 25. B. Degerliyurt, C. Karatas, M. Sahin, Y. Yaman, ‘Structural Health Monitoring System of Composite Beams with Surface Bonded and Embedded Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors’, ISMSE 2017, International Symposium on Material Science and Engineering, 13-15 January 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 26. C. Onat, M. Sahin, Y. Yaman, ‘Gain-Scheduling H∞ Control of a Smart Beam with Parameter Varying’, SMART2017, VIII.ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, 05-06 June 2017, Madrid, Spain 27. C. Karatas, B. Degerliyurt, Y. Yaman, M. Sahin, ‘Torsion Test of Composite Beams Using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring Applications’, AIAC2017, 9th Ankara International Aerospace Conference, 20-22 September 2017, METU, Ankara, AIAC-2017-043 28. C. Karatas, B. Degerliyurt, Y. Yaman, M. Sahin, ‘Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor Applications for Structural Health Monitoring’, 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 26-29 September 2017, Warsaw, Poland, EASN2017 ID: 57 29. H. L. Şahin, Y. Yaman. ‘Design and Analysis of a Mechanism for the Chord and Camber Morphing of an Aircraft Wing’, 7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research, 26-29 September 2017, Warsaw, Poland, EASN2017 ID: 102 30. H. L. Şahin, Y. Yaman, ‘Design and Analysis of a Novel Mechanism for the Morphing of Trailing Edge of an Aircraft Wing’, ICEAF V, 5th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure, 20-22 June 2018, Chios, Greece, MATEC Web Conf. 188, https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201818804001 31. H. L. Şahin, B. O. Çakır, Y. Yaman, ‘Aerodynamic Modelling and Analysis of a Novel Mechanism for Chord and Camber Morphing Wing’, ICEAF V, 5th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure, 20-22 June 2018, Chios, Greece MATEC Web Conf. 188, https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201818804002 32. H. L. Sahin, B. O. Cakir, Y. Yaman, ‘Dynamic Force Analysis of a Novel Mechanism for Chord and Camber Morphing Wing Under Aerodynamic Loading’, 8th EASN-CEAS International Workshop on "Manufacturing for Growth & Innovation", 03-07 September 2018, Glasgow, Scotland, EASN2018 ID: 142, MATEC Web Conf. 233, https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201823300006 33. B. Degerliyurt, C. Karatas, M. Sahin, Y. Yaman, ‘Comparison of Performance of Surface Mounted and Embedded Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors under Fatigue Torsion Load’, Poster, SICASE 2019, 6th Seoul International Conference on Applied Science and Engineering, Seoul, South Korea, 21-23 May 2019 34. B. Ertürk, Y. Yaman, ‘Assessment of the Performance of a Cruise Missile Wing Depending on Design Parameters at Various Flight Conditions’, 9th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation and Space, 03-06 September 2019, Athens, Greece, MATEC Web Conf. 304, https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201930402009 35. B. Ertürk, Y. Yaman, ‘Effects of Various Design Parameters on the Performance of a Cruise Missile Wing’, AIAC2019, 10th Ankara International Aerospace Conference, 18-20 September 2019, METU, Ankara, Turkey, AIAC-2019-033 36. Z. Eker, Y. Yaman, ‘Passive Vibration Isolation of Jet Aircraft Avionics Equipment’, AIAC2019, 10th Ankara International Aerospace Conference, 18-20 September 2019, METU, Ankara, Turkey, AIAC-2019-056 37. F.Tosun, U. Kalkan, H. Tıraş, Y. Yaman, ‘Generation of Helicopter Pull-Up Maneuver with Harmony Search Optimization Method’, ARF2019, 8th Asian/Australian Rotorcraft Forum, October 30-November 02, 2019, Ankara 38. C. Karataş Demircan, B. Değerliyurt, M. Şahin, Y. Yaman, ‘Fatigue Test of a Structure Instrumented with Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring Applications’, ARF2019, 8th Asian/Australian Rotorcraft Forum, October 30-November 02, 2019, Ankara |
1. DPT(Turkish State Planning Organization) 98.K.122630, Establisment of Aerospace Structures Research and Development Center, (1998-2002), (National Project, Project Director) 2. NATO/RTO/AVT/T-121 Application of Smart Materials in the Vibration Control of Aeronautical Structures, Turkish-Canadian Joint Project, 2000-2002, Project Director 3. NATO/RTO/AVT/T-129 Development of Control Strategies for the Vibration Control of Smart Aeronautical Structures Turkish-Canadian Joint Project, 2002-2004, Project Director 4. DPT (Turkish State Planning Organization).2004K120740, Aeroelastic Analysis of Aerospace Structures, (2004-2007), (National Project, Project Director) 5. NATO/RTO/AVT/T-133 Development and Verification of Various Strategies for the Active Vibration Control of Smart Aerospace Structures Subjected to Aerodynamic Loading Turkish-Canadian Joint Project, 2006-2008, Project Director 6. TÜBİTAK (Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council)/ 107M103, Aeroservoelastic Analysis of the Effects of Camber and Twist on Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Mission-adaptive Wings, (01 October 2007- 31 March 2011), (National Project, Project Director) 7. FP7-AAT-2012-RTD-1/ GA-314139-CHANGE, ‘CHANGE Combined morpHing Assessment software usiNG flight Envelope data and mission based morphing prototype wing development’. International Partners: TEKEVER ASDS Portugal (Coordinator), DLR-Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt- Germany, ARA, Aircraft Research Association-UK, Universidade da Beira Interior-Portugal, Cranfield University-UK, Swansea University- UK, INVENT GmbH-Germany and Delft University of Technology-Nederland. Prof. Dr. Yavuz Yaman, Local Coordinator, Duration: 36 months. 01 August 2012-31 December 2015 |