Mustafa Güden
Faculty Member
Address: Department of Mechanical Engineering
İzmir Institute of Technology, Gülbahçe, Urla, 35430
İzmir, Turkey
Telephone: +90 232 7506779
Fax: +90 2327506701
Nationality: Turkish

Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Mechanical Engineering Department, İzmir Institute of Technology, İzmir/Turkey
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Faculty Member
Main activities and responsibilities
Research and Teaching
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Mechanical Engineering Department, İzmir Institute of Technology, İzmir/Turkey
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Research Assistant
Main activities and responsibilities
Research and Teaching
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Metallurgical Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara/Turkey
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Research Assistant
Main activities and responsibilities
Research and teaching
Dates (from – to)
Name and type of organization providing education and training
University of Delaware/USA
Principal subjects/occupational
Materials Science and Engineering
Title of qualification awarded
PhD in Materials Science and Engineering
Dates (from – to)
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Metallurgical Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara/Turkey
Principal subjects/occupational
Metallurgical Engineering
Title of qualification awarded
Master of Science in in Metallurgical Engineering
Dates (from – to)
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Metallurgical Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara/Turkey
Principal subjects/occupational
Metallurgical Engineering
Title of qualification awarded
Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering
Reading skills
Writing skills
Verbal skills
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.
Turkish-Russian Civic Forum, Education Science Committee Member (2014-2018), Turkish Higher Education Council- Technology Transfer Offices Evaluation Committee Member (2014-2018)
Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.
Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.
Rector of İzmir Institute of Technology (2010-2018), İzmir Institute of Technology-Materials Research Center Director (2004-2007), İzmir Institute of Technology-Scientific Research Committee Executive Board Member (2002-2005), Izmir Technology Development Zone – Chairperson (2010-2018),
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.
High strain rate test devices, Kolsky’s Bar, FEM, Finite Difference
Competences not mentioned above.
Competences not mentioned above.
ARTICLES IN BOOK | Book: G. Mamalis, M. Ennokizono, A. Kladas, T. Sawada, M. Guden, M. M. Demir, Applied electromagnetic engineering for advanced materials from macro-to nanoscale under static and shock loading, Trans Tech Publications, Zurich, 2018. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SCI 1. M. Güden, İ. Karakaya, Electrolysis of MgCl2 with a top inserted anode and an Mg-Pb cathode, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 24 (1994) 791-797. 2. M. Güden, J. Piprek, Material parameters of quaternary III-V semiconductors for multilayer mirrors at 1.5 mm wavelength, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 4 (1996) 349-357. 3. M. Güden, I. W. Hall, High strain-rate compression testing of a short-fiber reinforced aluminum composite, Materials Science and Engineering A232 (1997) 1-10. 4. M. Güden, I. W. Hall, High strain rate behavior of a SiC particulate reinforced Al2O3 ceramic composite, Scripta Materialia 38 (1998) 667- 674. 5. M. Güden, I. W. Hall, Dynamic properties of metal matrix composites: a comparative study, Materials Science and Engineering A242 (1998) 141- 152. 6. M. Güden, I. W. Hall, Quasi-static and dynamic compression behavior of an FP alumina reinforced aluminum metal matrix composite, Journal of Materials Science 33 (1998) 791-797. 7. M. Güden, I. W. Hall, High strain rate properties of an SiCw/2124-T6 aluminum composite at elevated temperatures, Scripta Materialia 39 (1998) 261-267. 8. M. Güden, I. W. Hall, High strain rate deformation behavior of a continuous fiber reinforced aluminum metal matrix composite, Computers and Structures 76 (2000) 139-144. 9. I. W. Hall, M. Güden, C.J. Yu, Crushing of aluminum closed cell foam: density and strain rate effects, Scripta Materialia 43 (2000) 515-521. 10. I. W. Hall, M. Güden, High strain rate testing of a Gr/epoxy model composite, Journal of Materials Science Letters 20 (2001) 897-899. 11. I. W. Hall, O. Ebil, M. Güden, C. J. Yu, Quasi-static and dynamic crushing of empty and foam filled-tubes, Journal of Materials Science 36 (2001) 5853-5860. 12. I. W. Hall, M. Güden, Transverse crushing of aluminum foam filled tubes, Scripta Materialia 46 (2002) 513-518. 13. S. A. Greene, I. W. Hall, M. Güden, Improving the energy absorption of closed cell aluminum foams, Journal of Materials Science Letters 21 (2002) 513-518. 14. S. L. Lopatnikov ,B. A. Gama, Md. J. Haque ,C. Krauthauser, J. W.Gillespie Jr., M. Güden , I. W. Hall, Dynamics of metal foam deformation during Taylor cylinder–Hopkinson bar impact experiment, Composite Structures 61 (2003) 61-71. 15. Ö. Akil, U. Yıldırım, M. Güden, I. W. Hall, Effect of strain rate on the compression behavior of a woven fabric S2-glass fiber reinforced vinyl ester composite, Polymer Testing 22 (2003) 883-887. 16. M Güden, I. W. Hall, Effect of lubricant type on the results of the split Hopkinson pressure bar compression testing at high strain rates, Journal of Materials Science Letters 22 (2003) 1533-1535. 17. S. Elbir, S. Yılmaz, A. K. Toksoy, M. Güden, SiC-particulate aluminum composite foams produced by powder compacts: foaming and compression behavior, Journal of Materials Science 38 (2003) 4745-4755. 18. A. Taşdemirci, I. W. Hall, B. A. Gama, M. Güden, Stress wave propagation effects in two- and three-layered composite materials, Journal of Composite Materials 38 (2004) 995-1009. 19. A. K. Toksoy, M. Tanoğlu, M. Güden, I. W. Hall, The effect of adhesive on the strengthening of aluminum foam-filled circular tubes, Journal of Materials Science 39 (2004) 1503-1506. 20. M.Güden, U. Yıldırım, I. W. Hall, Effect of strain rate on the compression behavior of a woven glass fiber/SC-15 composite, Polymer Testing 23 (2004) 719-725. 21. D.Şimşek, R. Çiftçioğlu, M. Güden, M. Çiftçioğlu, Ş. Harsa, Mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite composites reinforced with hydroxyapatite whiskers, Key Engineering Materials 264-268 (2004) 1985-89. 22. Ö. Ç Duvarcı, M. Çiftçioğlu, M Güden, G. Arıkut, Preparation and microstructural development of nanocrystalline titania and alumina, Key Engineering Materials 264-268 (2004) 2355-58 23. M Guden, E. Çelik, S. Çetiner, A. Aydın, Metal foams for biomedical applications: processing and mechanical properties, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 553 (2004)257-266. 24. A. K. Toksoy, M. Güden, The strengthening effect of polystyrene foam filling in aluminum thin-walled cylindrical tubes, Thin-walled Structures 43 (2005) 333-350. 25. Guden M, Celik E, Akar E, Cetiner S. Compression testing of a sintered Ti6Al4V powder compact for biomedical applications, Materials Characterization 54 (2005) 399– 408. 26. M. Güden, H. Kavi, A. K. Toksoy, Predicting energy absorption in a foam-filled thin-walled aluminum tube based on experimentally determined strengthening coefficient, Materials and Design 27 (2006) 263-269. 27. L. Aktay, A. K. Toksoy, M. Güden, Quasi-static axial crushing of extruded polystyrene foam-filled thin-walled aluminum tubes: experimental and numerical analysis, Materials and Design 27 (2006) 556-565. 28. A. Şakar, M. Güden, Microhardness and fracture toughness of dental materials indentation method, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B-Applied Biomaterials 76B (2006) 257–264. 29. M. Güden, O. Akil, M. Çiftçioğlu, A. Taşdemirci, I. W. Hall, Effect of strain rate on the compressive mechanical behavior of a continuous alumina fiber reinforced ZE41A magnesium alloy based composite, Materials Science and Engineering A 425 (2006) 145–155. 30. M. Güden, S. Yüksel, Compression behavior of SiC-particulate foams produced by foaming from powder compacts, Journal of Materials Science 41 (2006) 4075-4084 31. S. B. Aidarova, K. B. Musabekov,Z. B. Ospanova, M. Güden, Foam stabilization in binary solution mixtures of low molecular surfactant and polyelectrolyte, Journal of Materials Science 41 (2006) 3979-3986. 32. M. Güden, H. Kavi, Quasi-static axial compression behavior of constraint hexagonal and square-packed empty and aluminum foam-filled aluminum multi-tubes, Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 739–750. 33. M. Güden, H. Kavi, A. K. Toksoy, Interaction effect and energy absorption in polystyrene foam filled thin-walled aluminum tubes, Journal of Materials Science 41 (2006) 6417–6424. 34. S. Yüksel, M. Güden, A. Tasdemirci, M. Tanoğlu, Effect of aluminum closed-cell foam filling on the quasi-static axial crush performances of glass fiber reinforced polyester composite and aluminum/composite hybrid tubes, Composite Structures 81 (2007) 480-490. 35. L. Aktay, A. F. Johnson, A. K. Toksoy, B.-H. Kröplin, M. Güden, Modeling the progressive axial crushing of foam-filled aluminum tubes using smooth particle hydrodynamics and coupled finite element model/smooth particle hydrodynamics, Materials and Design 29 (2008) 569-575. 36. L. Aktay, B. H. Kröplin, A. K. Toksoy, M. Güden, Finite element and coupled finite element/smooth particle hydrodynamics modeling of the quasi-static crushing of empty and foam-filled single, bitubular and constraint hexagonal- and square-packed aluminum tubes, Materials and Design 29( 2008) 952-962. 37. A. Taşdemirci, A. Hızal, M. Altındiş, I.W. Hall and M. Güden, The effect of strain rate on the compressive deformation behavior of a sintered Ti6Al4V powder compacts, Materials Science and Engineering A 474 (2008) 335-341. 38. A. Taşdemirci, S. Yüksel, D. Karsu, E. Gültürk, I.W, Hall, M. Güden, Diatom frustule-filled epoxy: experimental and numerical study of the quasi-static and high strain rate compression behavior, Materials Science and Engineering A 480 ( 2008) 373-382. 39. M. Güden, E. Çelik, A. Hızal, M. Altındiş, S. Çetiner, Effects of compaction pressure and particle shape on the porosity and compression mechanical properties of sintered Ti6Al4V powder compacts for hard tissue implantation, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials 85B (2008) 547-555. 40. İ. Tirtom, M. Güden, H. Yıldız, Simulation of the strain rate sensitive flow behavior of SiC-particulate reinforced aluminum metal matrix composites, Computational Materials Science 42 (2008) 570–578. 41. U. İnce, M. Toksoy, M. Güden, On-site corrosion rate testing of carbon steel pipes of a geothermal district heating system, Materials Performance 47 (2008) 56-59. 42. E. Dizlek, U. Türkan, M. Güden, A. Taşdemirci, Processing and compression testing of Ti6Al4V foams for biomedical applications, Journal of Materials Science 44 (2009) 1512–1519. 43. N. D. Karsu, S. Yüksel, M. Güden, Foaming behavior of Ti6Al4V particle added aluminum powder compacts, Journal of Materials Science 44 (2009) 1494–1505. 44. A. Taşdemirci, Ç. Ergönenç, M. Güden, Testing and modeling Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar reloading of a 316-L stainless steel metallic hollow sphere structure, International Journal of Impact Engineering 37 (2010) 250-259. 45. A. K. Toksoy, M. Güden, Partial Al foam filling of commercial 1050H14 Al crash boxes: the effect of box column thickness and foam relative density on energy absorption, Thin-walled Structures 48 (2010) 482-494. 46. U. Türkan, M. Güden, The effect of surface treatment on CaP deposition of Ti6Al4V open cell foams in SBF solution, Ceramics International 36 (2010) 1805-1816. 47. F. Özyıldız, M. Güden, A. Uzel, İ. Karaboz, Ö. Akil , H. Bulut, Antimicrobial activity of TiO2 coated orthodontics ceramic brackets against S. mutans and C. albicans, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 15 (2010) 680-685. 48. U. Türkan, M. Güden, The effect of nitric acid surface treatment on CaP deposition of Ti6Al4V open-cell foams in SBF solution, Surface Science and Technology 25 (2010) 1904-1916. 49. A. Durmuş, M. Güden, B. Gülçimen, S. Ülkü, E. Musa, Experimental investigations on the ballistic impact performances of cold rolled sheet metals, Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1356-1366. 50. A. K. Toksoy, M. Güden, The optimization of the energy absorption of partially aluminum foam-filled commercial automobile crash boxes, International Journal of Crashwortiness, 16 (2011) 97-109. 51. G. Tunusoğlu A., M. Güden, A. Taşdemirci, The effect of the interlayer on the ballistic performance of ceramic/composite armors: experimental and numerical study, International Journal of Impact Engineering 44 (2012) 1-9. 52. A. Tasdemirci, A. K. Turan, M. Güden, The Effect of Strain Rate on the Mechanical Behavior of Teflon, Polymer Testing 31 (2012) 723–727. 53. U. Savaci, M. Güden, S. Yılmaz, Open cell lead foams: processing, microstructure and mechanical properties, J. Materials Science 47 (2012)5646–5654. 54. K. Odacı, C. Kılıçaslan, A. Taşdemirci, M. Güden, Projectile impact tests on the composite sandwich panels with corrugated aluminum and foam cores: a comparative study, International Journal of Crashwortiness 17 (2012) 508–518. 55. M. Çakırcalı, C. Kılınçarslan, M. Güden, E. Kıranlı, V. Y. Shchukin, V. V. Petronko, Cross wedge rolling of a Ti6Al4V (ELI) alloy: the experimental studies and the finite element simulation of the deformation and failure, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 65 (2013) 1273-1287. 56. E. A Gültürk, M. Güden, A. Taşdemirci, Calcined and natural frustules filled epoxy matrices: the effect of volume fraction on the tensile and compression behavior, Composites Part B 44 (2013) 491-500. 57. Y. Atilla, M. Güden, A. Taşdemirci, Foam glass processing using polishing glass powder residue, Ceramics International 39 (2013) 5869-5877. 58. C. Kılıçaslan, M. Güden K. Odacı, A. Taşdemirci, The impact responses and the finite element modeling of layered trapezoidal corrugated aluminum core and aluminum sheet interlayer sandwich structures, Materials and Design 46 (2013) 121-133. 59. A. Kara, A. Taşdemirci, M. Güden, Modeling quasi-static and high strain rate compression mechanical deformation and failure behavior of a ± 45 cross-ply E-glass/polyester composite, Materials and Design 49 (2013) 566-574. 60. U. İnce, M. Güden, An iterative numerical method for the determination of the temperature dependent friction coefficients in the thermo mechanical model analysis of cold bolt forging The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 68 (2013) 2133–2144. 61. K. Kesici , İ. Tüney, D. Zeren, M. Güden, A. Sukatar, Morphological and molecular identification of pennate diatoms isolated from Urla-Izmir, coast of Aegean Sea, Turkish Journal of Biology 37 (2013) 530-537 62. F. Özyıldız, A. Uzel, A. S. Hazar, M. Güden, S. Ölmez, I. Aras, İ. Karaboz, Photocatalytic antimicrobial effect of TiO2 anatase thin-film-coated orthodontic arch wires on 3 oral pathogens, Turkish Journal of Biology 38 (2014) 289-295. 63. C. Kılıçaslan, K. Odacı, M. Güden, Experimental testing and full and homogenized numerical models of the low velocity and dynamic deformation of the trapezoidal aluminum corrugated core sandwich, Strain 50 (2014) 236-249. 64. C. Kılıçaslan, K. Odacı, M. Güden Experimental and numerical investigation of the quasi-static and dynamic crushing of multi-layer trapezoidal aluminum corrugated sandwiches, Thin-walled Structures 78 (2014) 70-76. 65. N. Kılıç, S. Bedir, A. Erdik, B. Ekici, M. Güden, A. Taşdemirci, Ballistic behavior of high hardness perforated armor plates against 7.62 mm armor piercing projectile, Materials and Design 63 (2014) 427-438. 66. M. Demir, N. Horzum, A. Tasdemirci, K. Turan, M. Güden, Mechanical interlocking between porous electrospun polystyrene fibers and an epoxy matrix, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 (2014) 21901-21905. 67. U. Turkan , M. Guden , M. Sudagidan, Staphylococcus epidermidis adhesion on the surface treated open-cell Ti6Al4V foams, Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik 61 (2016) 299-307. 68. A. Taşdemirci, A. Kara, K. Turan, S. Sahin, M. Guden, Effect of heat treatment on the blast loading response of combined geometry shell core sandwich structures, Thin-walled Structures 10 (2016) 180-191. 69. C. Kılıçaslan, İ. K. Odacı, M. Güden, Single- and double-layer aluminum corrugated core sandwiches under quasi-static and dynamic loadings, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 18(6) (2016) 667–692. 70. D. Zeren, M. Güden, The increased compression strength of an epoxy resin with the addition of heat-treated natural nano-structured diatom frustules, Journal of Composite Materials 51(12) (2017) 1681–1691. 71. İ. K. Odacı, M. Güden, C. Kılıçaslan, A. Taşdemirci, The varying densification strain in a multi-layer aluminum corrugate structure: direct impact testing and layer-wise numerical modelling, International Journal of impact Engineering 103 (2017) 64-75. 72. A. Tasdemirci, E. F. Akbulut, E. Guzel, F. Tuzgel, A. Yucesoy, S. Sahin, M. Guden, Crushing behavior and energy absorption performance of a bio-inspired metallic structure: experimental and numerical study, Thin-walled Structures 131 (2018) 547-555. 73. M. Sarıkaya, A. Taşdemirci, M. Güden, Dynamic crushing behavior of a multilayer thin-walled aluminum corrugated core: the effect of velocity and imperfection, Thin-walled Structures 132 (2018) 332-349. 74. M. Sarıkaya, A. Taşdemirci and M. Güden, Impact loading and modelling a multilayer aluminum corrugated/fin core: the effect of the insertion of imperfect fin layers, Strain (2019) 75. Kılıçaslan, M. Güden, The effect of core height on energy absorbing capacity in aluminum corrugated sandwich panels, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 35(2020)17-26. 76. M. Güden, İ. Canbaz, The effect of material strain hardening and strain rate sensitivity on the shock deformation of an aluminum corrugated core: a numerical study, International Journal of Crashworthiness (early access) 77. D. Zeren, U. Şentürk, M. Güden, Expansion behavior of slurries containing recycled glass powder carboxymethyl cellulose, lime and aluminum powder, Concrete and Building Materials 240(2020). 78. Chen Shi, Baoqiao Guo1, Mustafa Sarıkaya, Muhammet Çelik, Pengwan Chen, Mustafa Güden Determination of the material model and damage parameters of a carbon fiber reinforced laminated epoxy composite for high strain rate planar compression, International Journal of impact Engineering 149(2021) 103771 79. S. Seven, A. Çankaya, C. Uysal, A. Taşdemirci, S. Saatçi, M. Güden Constitutive equation determination and dynamic numerical modelling of the compression deformation of concrete, Strain, 57(2021) e12377 80. D. Polat , M. Güden Processing and characterization of geopolymer and sintered geopolymer foams of waste glass powders, Construction and Building Materials 300 (2021) 124259M. 81. Güden, H. Yavaş¸ A. A. Tanrıkulu, A. Tasdemirci a, B.Akın, S. Enser, A. Karakus¸ , B. A. Hamat Orientation dependent tensile properties of a selective-laser-melt 316L stainless steel Materials Science & Engineering A 824 (2021) 141808 |
1. M. Güden, I. W. Hall, High strain behavior of a continuous fiber reinforced aluminum metal matrix composite”, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Mechanics of Composite and Structures, Vol. 3, 355, 12-24 July 1998, Troia, Portugal. 2. I. W. Hall, M. Güden, C. M. Yu, Quasi-static and dynamic crushing of an aluminum closed-cell foam, Trans. Metall. Soc. Annual Meeting, October 1988, Chicago, USA. 3. S. Lopatnikov, B. Gama, J. Krauthauser, J. Haque, J. Gillespie, I. W. Hall, M. Güden, Non-equilibrium dynamic deformation and energy absorption of metal foams, Impacts on Composite Structures 2002 Symposium, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Sate University, 23-28 June 2002, Blacksburg Virginia. 4. K. Toksoy, M. Güden, I. W. Hall, Axial compression of aluminum closed-cell foam filled and empty aluminum tubes, Automotive Technology Congress, 24-26 June 2002, Bursa Turkey. 5. Ö. Çağlar, M. Çiftçioğlu, M. Güden, Preparation and characterization of nanocrystalline titania, 5. International Ceramic Congress, 3-5 October 2001, İstanbul, Turkey. 6. D. Şimsek, R. Çiftçioğlu, M. Güden, M. Çiftçioğlu, S. Harsa, Mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite composites reinforced with hydroxyapatite whiskers, 6. International Ceramic Congress, 3-5 July 2003, İstanbul, Turkey. 7. Ö. Ç Duvarcı, M. Çiftçioğlu, M. Güden, G. Arikut, Preparation and microstructural development of nanocrystalline titania and alumina, 6. International Ceramic Congress, 3-5 July 2003, İstanbul, Turkey. 8. M.Güden, M. A. Aydın, S. Çetiner, H. Yıldız, Use of foam metal in implant design, Biomed-2003,10th Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, 10-12 October 2003, Guzelyurt, Northern Cyprus. 9. M. Güden, Powder Metallurgy processing of aluminum closed-cell foams, 9. Denizli Materials Symposium, 14-17 April 2004, Denizli, Turkey. 10. H. Kavi, S. Yüksel, M. Tanoğlu, M. Güden, Crushing behavior of aluminum foam filled aluminum tubes, 9. Denizli Materials Symposium, 14-17 April 2004, Denizli, Turkey. 11. K. Toksoy, M. Güden, Compression behavior of extruded polystyrene foams, 9. Denizli Materials Symposium, 14-17 April 2004, Denizli, Turkey. 12. L. Saatçi, M Güden, Preperation and characterization of SiC-whisker/aluminum composite foams, 9. Denizli Materials Symposium, 14-17 April 2004, Denizli, Turkey. 13. Ö. Akil, M. Güden, M. Çiftçioğlu, A. Taşdemirci, I. W. Hall, Quasi-static and high strain rate compression behavior of alumina long fiber reinforced Mg metal matrix composite, 9. Denizli Materials Symposium, 14-17 April 2004, Denizli, Turkey. 14. M. Güden, Foaming and compression behavior of sic-particulate aluminum closed-cell foams produced by powder compacts, Syntactic and composite foams, International Engineering Conferences, 1-5 August 2004, Banff, Canada. 15. M. Güden, The metallurgical properties of spinal instrumentation materials, Spinal Instrumentation Symposium, 7-10 October 2004, Antalya, Turkey. 16. A. Taşdemirci, M. Güden, I. W. Hall, High strain rate reloading compression testing of a closed-cell aluminum foam, 13th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM13), 1-6 July 2007, Alexandroupolis, Greece. 17. M. Güden, H. Kavi , S. Yüksel, A. Taşdemirci, Quasi-static axial crushing behavior of aluminum closed cell foam-filled multi-packed aluminum and composite/aluminum hybrid tubes 13th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM13), 1-6 July 2007, Alexandroupolis, Greece. 18. M. Güden, S. Yüksel, D. Karsu, A. Taşdemirci, Aluminum closed-cell foams with ceramic and metallic particle additions, Syntactic and Composite Foams II, 5-10 August 2007 Davos, Switzerland. 19. M. Altındis, A. Hızal, M. Güden, effects of compaction pressure and particle shape on the porosity and compression mechanical properties of sintered Ti6Al4V powder compacts for hard tissue ımplantation, 10th International Symposium Biomaterials NRW 2008, Fundamentals and Clinical Applications, 12-14 March 2008, Essen, Germany. 20. M. Altındis, M. Güden, C. Ni, Sol-derived nano-size HA dip-coating of a porous Ti6Al4V powder compact for biomedical applications, 10th International Symposium Biomaterials NRW 2008, Fundamentals and Clinical Applications, 12-14 March 2008, Germany. 21. A. K. Toksoy, M. Güden, A. Taşdemirci, Quasi-static deformation analysis of empty and partially aluminum foam filled rectangular aluminum automotive crash box, International Congress of Impact Loadings of Lightweight Structures, 17-19 June 2008, Trondheim, Norway. 22. U. İnce, M. Güden, Simulation of the cold forging process in fastener manufacture, 3. International Science Technical conference, 15-17 October 2008, Minsk, Belarus. 23. E. Dizlek, M. Güden, Processing and compression testing of Ti6Al4V foams for biomedical applications, 3. International Science Technical Conference, 15-17 October 2008, Minsk, Belarus. 24. M. Güden, U. Ince, M. Toksoy, The corrosion behavior of St-37 steel in low temperature İzmir-Balçova geothermal system, XI. International Corrosion Symposium, 20-24 October 2008, İzmir, Turkey. 25. M. Güden, S. Yüksel, Effect of SiC particle addition on the expansion of aluminum powder compacts in the foaming powder compact process, 5. International Powder Metallurgy Conference, 8-10 October 2008, Ankara, Turkey. 26. M. Güden, E. Dizlek, Processing and characterization of Ti6Al4V foams for biomedical applications, 6th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams METFOAM 2009, 1- 4 September 2009, Bratislava. 27. M. Güden, S. Yüksel, Effect of SiC particle and whisker addition on the expansion and mechanical properties of foamed al compacts, 6th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams METFOAM 2009, 1- 4 September 2009, Bratislava. 28. M. Çakırcalı, M. Güden, V. Y. Shchukin, V. V. Petronko, The thermo-coupling analysis of the deformation and failure of a Ti6Al4V alloy in cross wedge rolling applications, 4. International Science Technical Conference, 19-21 October 2009, Minsk, Belarus. 29. M. Çakırcalı, M. Güden, V. Y. Shchukin, V. V. Petronko, The thermo-coupling analysis of the effect of die geometrical parameters on the cross-wedge rolling of 1045 hot-rolled steel bilet, 4. International Science Technical Conference, 19-21 October 2009, Minsk, Belarus. 30. A. Taşdemirci, M. Güden, A. Erdik, N. Kılınç, Numerical approach to design process of armored vehicles, ASME ESDA-2010, 12-14 July 2010, İstanbul, Turkey. 31. G. Tunusoğlu, A. Taşdemirci, M. Güden, W. Hall, Numerical and experimental studies of E- glass/polyester composite laminates, ASME ESDA-2010, 12-14 July 2010, İstanbul, Turkey. 32. F. Özyıldız, M. Güden, İ. Karaboz, H. Bulut A. Özel, Ö. Akil, Antimicrobial activity of TiO2 coated orthodontics ceramic brackets against selected oral pathogens, Vth International Bioengineering Congress, 16-19 June 2010, Izmir, Turkey. 33. A. Taşdemirci, A. Kara, K. Turan, G. Tunusoğlu, M. Güden, I.W Hall, Experimental and numerical investigation of high strain rate mechanical behavior of a [0/45/90/-45] quadriaxial E-glass/polyester composite, International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Published in Procedia Engineering, 10, 2011, Pages 3076-3081. 34. U. Savacı, M. Güden, Development of a New Method for Production of Lead (Pb)Foams for Lead-Acid Batteries Syntactic and Composite Foams III, May 29 - June 3 2011, Cetraro (Calabria), Italy. 35. Y. Atilla, M. Güden, Production and characterization of glass foam using glass powder waste, Syntactic and Composite Foams III, May 29 - June 3 2011, Cetraro (Calabria), Italy. 36. M.Çakircali, Kılıçaslan C., İ.Kutlay Odacı, Güden M., Yardımoğlu B., Schukin V.Y., Petronko V., Manufacturing Tractor Shaft by Using Cross Wedge Rolling: Finite Element Simulation and Microscopic Study, Automotive and Manufacturing Technologies Symposium, 2011, Bursa, Turkey. 37. 23 October 2011, Konya, Turkey. 38. U. Turkan, M. Guden, Application of surface response method for the bioactivity of alkali treated Ti6Al4V open cell foam, 2nd International Symposium on Computing in Science & Engineering (ISCSE 2011), 2011, Aydın, Turkey. 39. U. Turkan, M. Guden, F. Kazak, Effects of alkali treatment on the CaP deposition of Ti6Al4V foams produced by two different particle size", Microscopy and Microanalysis 19, 1880-1881, 2013, USA. 40. U. İnce, B. Güler, E. Kılınçdemir, M. Güden, The effect of coating type on bolt fatigue life, International Iron & Steel Symposium, 2015, Karabük, Turkey. 41. K. Odacı, C. Kılıçaslan, A. Tasdemirci, M Güden, A.G. Mamalis, Direct impact testing a layered 1050H14 Al trapezoidal corrugated structure: experimental and numerical, Fifth International Symposium on Explosion, Shock Wave and High-strain-rate Phenomena (EHSP 2016), 166-167, 25-28 September 2016 Beijing, China. 42. K. Odacı, C. Kılıçaslan, A. Tasdemirci, M Güden, A.G. Mamalis, Projectile impact testing aluminum corrugated core composite sandwiches using aluminum corrugated projectiles: experimental and numerical, Fifth International Symposium on Explosion, Shock Wave and High-strain-rate Phenomena (EHSP 2016), 164-165, 25-28 September 2016 Beijing, China. 43. Invited Speaker Prof.Dr. Mustafa Güden, Experimental and numerical investigation of the shock wave propagation in aluminum corrugated structure, 16th International Materials Symposium (IMSP’2016) 12-14 October 2016, Denizli, Turkey. 44. A. Tasdemirci, F. Tuzgel, E. Guzel, E. F. Akbulut and M. Guden, The investigation of the dynamic deformation behavior of a 304L steel plate with direct-pressure pulse experiments, 11th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics (BSSM16), 05-07 September 2016, Exeter, UK. 45. A. Tasdemirci, M. A. Cankaya, S. B. Seven, C. Uysal, S. Saatci and M. Guden, The effect of pulse shaping on the dynamic mechanical behavior of concrete, 22nd DYMAT Technical Meeting, 19-21 October 2016, Grenoble, France. 46. D. Zeren, U. Şentürk, M. Guden, Room temperature foaming of glass powder in aqueous environment, Conference: Syntactic and Composite Foams V, March 2017, Siracusa, Italy. 47. D. Zeren, M. Guden, The effect of heat-treatment of nano-structured diatom frustules on the compression strength of diatom- frustule-filled epoxy composites, The Tenth Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting, Multifunctional and Nanomaterials (JAPMED’10) 4-8 July 2017, İzmir, Turkey 48. F. Tuzgel, E. Guzel, F. Akbulut, S. Sahin, A. Yucesoy, M. Guden, A. Taşdemirci, Blast response of an energy-absorber biomimetic armor system, The Tenth Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting, Multifunctional and Nanomaterials (JAPMED’10) 4-8 July 2017, İzmir, Turkey. 49. Keynote Presentation İ.K. Odacı, M. Sarıkaya, A. Taşdemirci, M. Güden, Shock Formation in a ductile and layered cellular core, The Tenth Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting, Multifunctional and Nanomaterials (JAPMED’10) 4-8 July 2017, İzmir, Turkey 50. M. Güden, M. Sarıkaya, A. Taşdemirci, Experimental and numerıcal impact testing an aluminum corrugate layered structures, MatCel’2017 |Second National Conference on Cellular Materials DynMatCel´2017 International Conference on Dynamic Behavior of Cellular Materials, 25th -27th September 2017, University of Aveiro, Portugal. 51. Invited Speaker: M. Güden, K. Odacı, A. Tasdemirci, Impact testing and modelling an E-glass fiber reinforced polymer composite, Multiphysics 2017 - The International Society of Multiphysics 14-15 December 2017, Beijing, China. 52. B. Akyol, M. Sarıkaya, M. Çelik, A. Taşdemirci and M. Güden, A novel method of determining compression after impact behavior of polymer composites using corrugated core projectiles: experimental and numerical investigation, IV. International Ege Composite Materials Symposium, 6-8 September 2018, İzmir, Turkey. 53. A. Tasdemirci, M. Bayhan, S. Seven, A. Ramyar, M. Guden, Dynamic compressive behavior of an E-glass/polyester composite material subjected to repeated loads, 2018 Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit and Exhibition; Prof. Athanasios Mamalis - 2018 honoree with Mamalis International Symposium on Advanced Manufacturing of Advanced Materials and Structures with Sustainable Industrial Applications, 4-7 November 2018, Rio De Jeniero, Brazil. 54. A. Tasdemirci, S. Seven, M. Cankaya, C. Uysal, S. Saatci, M. Güden, The investigation of low-velocity drop weight impact on concrete plates, 2018 Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit and Exhibition; Prof. Athanasios Mamalis - 2018 honoree with Mamalis International Symposium on Advanced Manufacturing of Advanced Materials and Structures with Sustainable Industrial Applications, 4-7 November 2018, Rio De Jeniero, Brazil. 55. M. Sarikaya, D. Zeren, B. Akyol, T. Kavas, U. Uzgan, D. Soyal, M. Guden, Static and dynamic compression and indentation behavior of aerated autoclaved concrete, 2018 Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit and Exhibition; Prof. Athanasios Mamalis - 2018 honoree with Mamalis International Symposium on Advanced Manufacturing of Advanced Materials and Structures with Sustainable Industrial Applications, 4-7 November 2018, Rio De Jeniero, Brazil. 56. Keynote Speaker: The effect of velocity, imperfection and material models on the crushing of aluminum corrugated structure, The Eleventh Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting, Multifunctional and Nanomaterials (JAPMED’11) Batumi State University, 16-19 July, 2019 57. B. Akyol, M. K. Sarikaya, M. Guden The experimental and numerical investigation of the varying crushing strength of a cellular concrete, InCell 2019 | International Conference on Multifunctional Cellular Materials, September 19-20, 2019, Maribor, Slovenia. 58. M. Güden, M. Sarıkaya, İ. Canbaz, A. Taşdemirci Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of imperfection, material model and velocity on the crushing behaviour of an al corrugated multi-layered cellular structure, InCell 2019 | International Conference on Multifunctional Cellular Materials, September 19-20, 2019, Maribor, Slovenia 59. A. A. Tanrıkulu, H. Yavaş, S. Altınok, B. A. Hamat, G. Kafadar, M. Güden The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Fracture an Micro-Mechanical Behavior of the Selective Laser Melted AlSi10MG, International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, June 10-12, 2021, On-line 60. H. Yavaş, A. A. Tanrıkulu, A. A. Tuncay, M. Güden Nature Inspired Macro-Atomistic Design Approach in Additive Manufacturing, International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, June 10-12, 2021, On-line 61. A.A. Tuncay, B. Hızlı, B. A. Hamat, H. Yavaş, A. A. Tanrıkulu, M. Güden The Effect of Lattice Periodicity on the Compression Behavior of the E-Beam Melted Bcc-Like Ti6Al4V Lattices, International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, June 10-12, 2021, On-line. |
Principal Investigator (national projects)