H. Kürşad SEZER
Associate Professor
Address: Gazi University, Technology Faculty, Industrial Design Engineering, Teknikokullar, Ankara 065000, Turkey
Telephone: +90 (0) 3122028735-28735
E-mail: kursadsezer@gazi.edu.tr; kursadsezer@gmail.com
Nationality: Turkish

Dates (from – to)
2018 - Present
Name and address of employer
Gazi University/Technolgy Faculty/Industrial Design Engineering Department,
Ankara, TURKEY
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Associate Professor
Main activities and responsibilities
Undergraduate and graduate level lecturing and conducting research on a number of engineering topics including Advanced Manufacturing/Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Computer Aided Engineering and Reverse Engineering.
Dates (from – to)
2014 / 2018
Name and address of employer
Gazi University/Technolgy Faculty/Industrial Design Engineering Department,
Ankara, TURKEY
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Assistant Professor
Main activities and responsibilities
Undergraduate and graduate level lecturing and conducting research on a number of engineering topics including Advanced Manufacturing/Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Computer Aided Engineering and Reverse Engineering.
Dates (from – to)
2007 / 2012
Name and address of employer
The University of Manchester/Engineering and Physical Sciences/Mechanical
Engineering/Manufacturing), Manchester, UK
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Post Graduate Research Associate
Main activities and responsibilities
Research on high-power laser material processing oriented, EU or British national level funded projects. Some of the projects focused predominantly on transfer of academic research to industrial shop floor.
Dates (from – to)
2012 / 2014
Name and address of employer
Powerlase Photonics Ltd, Crawley, UK
Type of business or sector
High Power DPSS lasers, Photonics
Occupation or position held
Senior Laser Applications Engineer
Main activities and responsibilities
Leading high Power DPSS laser Application Laboratories, and to address applications for High Power and energy DPSS laser projects with a focus on strategic applications development for display and TV screen technologies and laser-based micromachining solutions for aerospace and automotive customers.
Dates (from – to)
2003 / 2007
Name and type of organization providing education and training
The University of Manchester, UK
Principal subjects/occupational
Mechanical Engineering (Laser Processing Research Centre)
Title of qualification awarded
Doctor of Philosophy, Mechanical Engineering
Dates (from – to)
1996 / 2001
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Erciyes University, Turkey
Principal subjects/occupational
Mechanical Engineering
Reading skills
Writing skills
Verbal skills
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.
Lived and worked in multicultural environment during Phd and Post Phd work in UK.
Co-supervised a number of masters and Phd Thesis for students from different background at The University of Manchester.
Managed a number of Industry oriented researched projects funded by leading aerospace companies (i.e. Rolls Royce, BAE Systems) in UK.
Postgraduate thesis Supervision and Student mentoring at Gazi University, Turkey
Co-supervised a number of masters and Phd Thesis for students from different background at The University of Manchester.
Managed a number of Industry oriented researched projects funded by leading aerospace companies (i.e. Rolls Royce, BAE Systems) in UK.
Postgraduate thesis Supervision and Student mentoring at Gazi University, Turkey
Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.
Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.
Management of Research Projects as Principal Investigator and Researcher
Leading Laser Micro-Machining Research Group at The University of Manchester
Deputy head of Industrial Design Engineering Department at Gazi University since year 2014.
Leading Laser Micro-Machining Research Group at The University of Manchester
Deputy head of Industrial Design Engineering Department at Gazi University since year 2014.
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.
Worked with high power laser machines (fibre laser, Nd:YAG laser, CO2 lasers, excimer lasers)
Worked with ultrafast laser machines for innovative industry applications (picosecond lasers, femtosecond lasers)
Computer Aided Engineering Softwares (e.g. ANSYS Multiphysics)
Statistical Analysis Softwares
Computer Aided Design Softwares (e.g. Solidworks, AutoCAD Fusion, CATIA)
Reverse Engineering Softwares (e.g. Geomagic Design X)
Microsoft Office Softwares
Worked with ultrafast laser machines for innovative industry applications (picosecond lasers, femtosecond lasers)
Computer Aided Engineering Softwares (e.g. ANSYS Multiphysics)
Statistical Analysis Softwares
Computer Aided Design Softwares (e.g. Solidworks, AutoCAD Fusion, CATIA)
Reverse Engineering Softwares (e.g. Geomagic Design X)
Microsoft Office Softwares
Competencentioned above.
Competencentioned above.
Catergory B Driving Licence
ARTICLES IN BOOK CHAPTERS | Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning: Applications, (Applications of Laser Cleaning Process in High Value Manufacturing Industries) (2018)., Marimuthu Sundar,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Kamara Alhaji M, Elsevier, Editör:Rajiv Kohli, K.L. Mittal, ISBN:978-0-12-815577-6 |
SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Pinkerton AJ,Li Lin (2005). An investigation into delamination mechanisms in inclined laser drilling of thermal barrier coated aerospace superalloys. Journal of Laser Applications, 17(4), 225-234., Doi: 10.2351/1.2080527 SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li L,Schmidt M,Pinkerton AJ,Anderson B,Williams P (2006). Effect of beam angle on HAZ recast and oxide layer characteristics in laser drilling of TBC nickel superalloys. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 46(15), 1972-1982., Doi: 10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2006.01.010 SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li Lin,Wu Z,Anderson Ben,Williams Paul (2007). Non-destructive microwave evaluation of TBC delamination induced by acute angle laser drilling. Measurement Science and Technology, 18(1), 167-175., Doi: 10.1088/0957-0233/18/1/021 HernandezCastaneda JC,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li L (2009). Statistical analysis of ytterbium doped fibre laser cutting of dry pine wood. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 223(7), 775-789., Doi: 10.1243/09544054JEM1397 Leigh S,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li L,GraftonReed C,Cuttell M (2009). Statistical analysis of recast formation in laser drilled acute blind holes in CMSX 4 nickel superalloyx. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 43(11-12), 1094-1105., Doi: 10.1007/s00170-008-1789-6 SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li L (2009). Mechanisms of Acute Angle Laser Drilling Induced Thermal Barrier Coating Delamination. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 131(5), 510141-510146., Doi: 10.1115/1.4000102 SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li L,Leigh S (2009). Twin gas jet assisted laser drilling through thermal barrier coated nickel alloy substrates. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 49(14), 1126-1135., Doi: 10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2009.07.002 Leigh S,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li L,GraftonReed C,Cuttell M (2010). Recast and oxide formation in laser drilled acute holes in CMSX 4 nickel single crystal superalloy. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 224(7), 1005-1016., Doi: 10.1243/09544054JEM1541 Negarestani R,Li L,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Whitehead D,Methven J (2010). Nano second pulsed DPSS Nd YAG laser cutting of CFRP composites with mixed reactive and inert gases. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 49(5-8), 553-566., Doi: 10.1007/s00170-009-2431-y HernandezCastaneda Juan Carlos,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li Lin (2010). Dual gas jet assisted fibre laser blind cutting of dry pine wood by statistical modelling. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 50(1-4), 195-206., Doi: 10.1007/s00170-009-2491-z Dong CS,Gu Y,Zhong ML,Li L,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Ma MX,Liu WJ (2011). Fabrication of superhydrophobic Cu surfaces with tunable regular micro and random nano scale structures by hybrid laser texture and chemical etching. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 211(7), 1234-1240., Doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2011.02.007 HernandezCastaneda Juan Carlos,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li Lin (2011). Single and dual gas jet effect in Ytterbium doped fibre laser cutting of dry pine wood. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 56(5-8), 539-552., Doi: 10.1007/s00170-011-3209-6 HernandezCastaneda Juan Carlos,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li Lin (2011). The effect of moisture content in fibre laser cutting of pine wood. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 49(9-10), 1139-1152., Doi: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2011.05.008 Yan YZ,Lİ L,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Whitehead D,Ji LF,Bao Y,Jiang YJ (2011). Experimental and theoretical investigation of fibre laser crack free cutting of thick section alumina. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 51(12), 859-870., Doi: 10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2011.08.004 Yan YZ,Li L,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Wang W,Whitehead D,Ji LF,Bao Y,Jiang YJ (2011). CO2 laser underwater machining of deep cavities in alumina. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 31(15), 2793-2807., Doi: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2011.06.015 Yan YZ,Li L,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Wang W,Whitehead D,Ji LF,Bao Y,Jiang YJ (2011). CO2 laser underwater machining of deep cavities in alumina. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 31(15), 2793-2807., Doi: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2011.06.015 Yinzhou Y,Li L,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Whitehead D,Lingfei J,Yong B,Jiang Y (2012). Nano second pulsed DPSS Nd YAG laser striation free cutting of alumina sheets. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 53(1), 15-26., Doi: 10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2011.07.006 Elmesalamy AS,Li L,Francis JA,SEZER H KÜRŞAD (2013). Understanding the process parameter interactions in multiple pass ultra narrow gap laser welding of thick section stainless steels. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 68(1-4), 1-17., Doi: 10.1007/s00170-013-4739-x ) Marimuthu S,Kamara A,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li L,Ng GKL (2014). Numerical investigation on laser stripping of thermal barrier coating. Computational Materials Science, 88, 131-138., Doi: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2014.02.022 BÖRKLÜ HÜSEYİN RIZA,Yıldırım A Kıvanç,SEZER H KÜRŞAD (2016). Problems Encountered During The Rapid Prototyping Process And Their Solution Proposals. GU J Sci Part:C : Design and Technology, 4(4), 309-319. SEZER H KÜRŞAD (2016). Short Review on Laser Texturing and Cleaning Carbon Fibre Composites for Aerospace Applications. Politeknik Dergisi, 19(4), 623-631., Doi: 10.2339/2016.19.4 623-631 Çotur Beka,SEZER H KÜRŞAD (2017). Current 3 Dimensional Printing Technologies Used in Scaffold Design in Tissue Engineering. Düzce University Journal of Science Technology, 5(2), 548-564. BÖRKLÜ HÜSEYİN RIZA,Bozbuğa Ferhat,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,ÖZDEMİR VEYSEL (2018). A Novel Conceptual Design of a Stairlift for Elderly and Disabled People. Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering And Innovation, 5(1), 17-29. GÜRCÜM BANU HATİCE,BÖRKLÜ HÜSEYİN RIZA,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,EREN OĞULCAN (2018). Implementing 3D Printed Structures as the Newest Textile Form. Journal of Fashion Technology Textile Engineering, 0(4), 1-7., Doi: 10.4172/2329-9568.S4-019 SEZER H KÜRŞAD (2018). Continuous Wave Fibre Laser Drilling of HighAspect Ratio Holes in Ni-based Alloys. LASERS IN ENGINEERING, 39(3-6), 281-291. (Yayın No: 3426779) BÖRKLÜ HÜSEYİN RIZA,Yüksel Nurullah,ÇAVDAR KADİR,SEZER H KÜRŞAD (2018). A practical application for machine design education. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 12(2), 1-11., Doi: 10.1299/jamdsm.2018jamdsm0036 ULAŞ HASAN BASRİ,BİLGİN MUSA,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,ÖZKAN MURAT TOLGA (2018). Performance of coated and uncoated carbide/cermet cutting tools during turning. Materials Testing, 60(9), 893-901., Doi: https://doi.org/10.3139/120.111228 EREN OĞULCAN,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,BÖRKLÜ HÜSEYİN RIZA (2018). REVERSE ENGINEERING DESIGN: INDUSTRIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING TECHNICAL ELECTIVE COURSE FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, 2(3), 1-11. SEZER H KÜRŞAD,EREN OĞULCAN,BÖRKLÜ HÜSEYİN RIZA,ÖZDEMİR VEYSEL (2019). Additive manufacturing of carbon fiber reinforced plastic composites by fused deposition modelling: effect of fiber content and process parameters on mechanical properties. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 34(2), Doi: 10.17341/gazimmfd.416523 Demir Seher,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,ÖZDEMİR VEYSEL (2018). PRODUCTION OF TOPOLOGICAL OBJECTS BY FDM METHOD: KLEIN BOTTLE CASE STUDY”, International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry. , 2, 76-87. SEZER H KÜRŞAD,EREN OĞULCAN (2019). FDM 3D printing of MWCNT re-inforced ABS nano-composite parts with enhanced mechanical and electrical properties. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 37, 339-347., Doi: 10.1016/j.jmapro.2018.12.004 Çavdar Fatma Y,BÖRKLÜ H RIZA,ÇAVDAR KADİR,SEZER H KÜRŞAD (2019). The design process of the complex Special Utility Vehicle using the methodical design approach. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 13(4), 70-70., Doi: 10.1299/jamdsm.2019jamdsm0070 |
International Conferences |
SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li Lin,Byrd Pamela (2004). The effect of gas jet and melt flow on laser drilling of thermal barrier coated nickel alloys. ICALEO 2004 - 23rd International Congress on Applications of Laser and Electro-Optics, Congress Proceedings (Tam Metin Bildiri/Sözlü Sunum)(Yayın No:2854131) SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li Lin,Anderson Ben,Williams Paul,Schmidt Mark (2005). Effect of beam angle on heat affected zone recast and oxide layer in laser drilling of thermal barrier coated nickel alloys. ICALEO 2005, 24th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, - Congress Proceedings Carroll PA,Pinkerton AJ,Allen J,Syed WU,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Brown P,Ng G,Scudamore R,Li L (2006). The Effect of Powder Recycling in Direct Metal Laser Deposition on Powder and Manufactured Part Characteristics. NATO Specialists Meeting AVT-139 ’xxCost Effective Manufacture via Net Shape Processing’xx(AVT-139), 181-188. HernandezCastaneda JC,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li Lin (2009). The effect of moisture content and tracheids orientation in fibre laser cutting of dry and wet pine wood. ICALEO 2009 - 28th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, Congress Proceedings Leigh Stephen,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li Lin,GraftonReed Clive,Cuttell Martin (2009). Oxide formation in acute laser percussion drilled holes in single crystal nickel superalloy. ICALEO 2009 - 28th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, Congress Proceedings Eghlio Ramadan M,Pinkerton AJ,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Li Lin (2010). Process characteristics of single mode fibre laser net shape welding. PICALO 2010, 4th Pacific International Conference on Applications of Lasers and Optics (PICALO 2010) Çotur Beka,SEZER H KÜRŞAD (2017). Current 3D Dimensional Printing Technologies Used İn Scaffold Design İn Tissue Engineering. 2nd International Symposium on 3D Printing Technologies (3D-PTS2017) Hasipek İpek,SEZER H KÜRŞAD (2018). State Of The Art In Applications Of 3d-Prototyping In Automotive Industry With Case Studies. 3rd International Congress on 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 2018 Kiraz Ceren,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,ŞAHİN İSMAİL (2018). A Perspective On Exploiting The Design Freedom Of 3d Printers In Jewellery Industry. 3rd International Congress on 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 2018 SEZER H KÜRŞAD,EREN OĞULCAN (2017). Enhanced Mechanical and Electrical Properties of 3D Printed MWCNT Re-inforced ABS Nano-Composite Parts. 39th International MATADOR Conference on Advanced Manufacturing SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Çotur Beka (2017). Bio-Fabrication Via Laser-Induced Forward Transfer. 1st International Turkish World Engineering and Science Congress SEZER H KÜRŞAD,Marimuthu Sundar (2017). Hıgh Speed Manufacture Of A Geotextıle Through Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Transmısson Weldıng Process. 1st International Turkish World Engineering and Science Congress GÜRCÜM BANU HATİCE,BÖRKLÜ H RIZA,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,EREN OĞULCAN (2017). Implementing 3D printed structures as the newest textile form. International Conference on Intelligent Textiles and Mass Customisation ITMC2017 SEZER H KÜRŞAD,EREN OĞULCAN,BÖRKLÜ HÜSEYİN RIZA (2017). 3D Printing of Graphene Composites. 2nd International Symposium on Industrial Design Engineering (ISIDE 17) BÖRKLÜ HÜSEYİN RIZA,Bozbuğa Ferhat,SEZER HÜSEYİN KÜRŞAD (2017). Conceptual Design of a Novel Stair Lift for Elderly and Disabled People. 2nd International Symposium on Industrial Design Engineering (ISIDE 17) (Tam Metin Bildiri/Sözlü Sunum)(Yayın No:3873275) Gökgöz Osman Tuna,SEZER H KÜRŞAD (2017). The Design of a Low-Cost Set-Up for Manufacturing The Stent. 2nd International Symposium on Industrial Design Engineering (ISIDE 17) SEZER H KÜRŞAD,EREN OĞULCAN,BÖRKLÜ HÜSEYİN RIZA (2017). Additive Manufacturing Of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composites By Fused Deposition Modelling: Effect Of Process Parameters On Tensile Properties. 2nd International Symposium on 3D Printing Technologies (3D-PTS2017) EREN OĞULCAN,SEZER H KÜRŞAD (2018). 3d Printing Of Multifunctional Nanocomposites With Enhanced Electrical Properties. 3rd International Congress on 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 2018 Yüceliş Ali Can,BÖRKLÜ HÜSEYİN RIZA,SEZER H KÜRŞAD (2018). Design And Manufacture Of Customised Toys Utilising Low Cost Fdm 3d Printers. 3rd International Congress on 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 2018 EREN OĞULCAN,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,BÖRKLÜ H RIZA (2018). Reverse Engineering Design: Industrial Design Engineering Technical Elective Course For Undergraduate Students. 3rd International Congress on 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 2018 EREN OĞULCAN,BAŞAK HÜDAYİM,SEZER H KÜRŞAD,YÜCEL MURAT (2018). TRIZ Yaklaşımı ile 3D Yazıcı Ekstruderı Tasarımı. İSİDE-2018, 634-641. EREN OĞULCAN,SEZER H KÜRŞAD (2018). Additive manufacturing of Composites:Applications. 3’xxrd International Symposium on Industrial Design Engineering (ISIDE 2018) EREN OĞULCAN,SEZER H KÜRŞAD (2018). Additive manufacturing of Composites:Materials and Printing Techniques, 3’xxrd International Symposium on Industrial Design Engineering (ISIDE 2018) |
Funded Projects |
Laser Drilling of Thermal Barrier Coated Component – Phases 1-3, PI :Prof Lin Li,
PhD Researcher: SEZER KÜRŞAD, Rolls Royce plc (Industrial funding), 2003/2007 FANTASIA – Flexible/ Near net shape generative manufacturing chains and repair techniques for complex shaped aero engine parts, PI :Prof Lin Li, Researcher: SEZER KÜRŞAD, EU FP7 Funding, 2006/2010 Modelling of melt ejection in laser drilling blind holes, PI :Prof Lin Li, Researcher: SEZER KÜRŞAD, Rolls Royce plc (Industrial funding), 2007 KELAS - Knowledge Exhange in Laser Engineering, PI :Prof Lin Li, Researcher: SEZER KÜRŞAD, UK North West Science Council Funding, 2009/2012 SAMULET - Novel and Transformed Processes, PI :Prof Lin Li, Researcher: SEZER KÜRŞAD, UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council Funding, 2009/2012 Knowledge Transfer Fellow - Laser Processing, PI :Prof Lin Li, Researcher: SEZER KÜRŞAD, UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council Funding, 2010/2012 Additive manufacturing of Super Performance Functional Plastic Composite Parts, PI :SEZER KÜRŞAD, Turkey Research Council TUBITAK Funding, 2015/2017 |
Supervised Thesis |
Phd Thesis Ongoing.. EREN OĞULCAN, Laser Surface Finishing of Additively manufactured Aerospace Components, Gazi University-> Institute of Science -> Department of Industrial Design Engineering, Turkey KAYA NUR, 3D Printing of Metamaterials for enhanced mechanical and functional properties, Gazi University-> Institute of Science -> Department of Industrial Design Engineering, Turkey MPhil Thesis Ongoing.. İZCİ MURAT, An Investigation into Laser Shock Peening Effect on Mechanical Performance of 100Cr6 steel Bearings, Gazi University-> Institute of Science -> Department of Industrial Design Engineering, Turkey TAMER TURGAY,Multi-Physics Modeling of Combine CW and Pulsed Wave Laser Finishing of Additive manufactured Aerospace Components, Gazi University-> Institute of Science - > Department of Industrial Design Engineering, Turkey SOĞUK CAN YÜCEL,Numerical Modelling of Selective Laser Melting Powder Bed Fusion Process, Gazi University-> Institute of Science -> Department of Industrial Design Engineering, Turkey SİNCER MÜGE,Design And Analysis Of Mislocated Holes’ Repair With Bushing Technique On The Metal Parts, Gazi University-> Institute of Science -> Department of Industrial Design Engineering, Turkey MPhil Thesis Completed GÖKGÖZ OSMAN TUNA, (2019). Design and Manufacturing of Laser Stent Cutting Machine, Gazi University-> Institute of Science -> Department of Industrial Design Engineering, Turkey ÇOTUR BEKA, (2019). Design of Tissue Scaffold with Adjustable Stifness with Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Gazi University-> Institute of Science -> Department of Industrial Design Engineering, Turkey HASİPEK İPEK, (2019). Development of additive manufacturing technology selection assistant with multi-criteria decision making techniques for the automotive industry,Gazi University-> Institute of Science -> Department of Industrial Design Engineering, TurkeyAnabilim Dalı EREN OĞULCAN, (2017). Investigation of composite part design and mechanical properties with FDM 3D printer, Gazi University-> Institute of Science -> Department of Industrial Design Engineering, Turkey |