İbrahim Uslan
Prof. Dr.
Address: Gazi University Faculty of Engineering Eti Mah. Yükseliş Sk. No: 5, 06570 Maltepe / Ankara
E-mail: iuslan@gazi.edu.tr
Nationality: Turkish

Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Gazi University, Rectorate
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Dates (from – to)
2018-2018 (3 Months)
Name and address of employer
Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, Rectorate
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Gazi University, Rectorate
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Education Coordinator
Main activities and responsibilities
Education planning, common and elective courses
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Gazi University, Rectorate
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Vice Rector
Main activities and responsibilities
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Gazi University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Vice Head of Department
Main activities and responsibilities
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Gazi University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Prof. Dr.
Main activities and responsibilities
Powder Metallurgy, Additive Manufacturing, Manufacturing Technologies
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Gazi University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Associate Professor
Main activities and responsibilities
Material Science, Powder Metallurgy, Material Characterization
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Gazi University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Assistant Professor
Main activities and responsibilities
Material Science, Powder Metallurgy, Material Characterization
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Gazi University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Research Assistant
Main activities and responsibilities
Material Science, Powder Metallurgy, Material Characterization
Dates (from – to)
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Gazi University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Principal subjects/occupational
Material Science, Powder Metallurgy, Gas Atomization
Title of qualification awarded
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
Dates (from – to)
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Gazi University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Principal subjects/occupational
Material Science, Powder Metallurgy, Composite Materials
Title of qualification awarded
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Dates (from – to)
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Gazi University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Principal subjects/occupational
Mechanical Engineering
Title of qualification awarded
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Reading skills
Very Good
Writing skills
Very Good
Verbal skills
Very Good
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.
Member of the administrative board of Turkish Powder Metallurgy Association
Member of the administrative board of Union of Turkish World Engineering and Architects
Member of the administrative board of Bisav Balkan Immigrants Economic Research and Social Assistance Foundation
Member of TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers
Member of Gazi University Sports Club
Member of the administrative board of Union of Turkish World Engineering and Architects
Member of the administrative board of Bisav Balkan Immigrants Economic Research and Social Assistance Foundation
Member of TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers
Member of Gazi University Sports Club
Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.
Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.
MS Office Programs, AutoCad, Solidworks
Gas Atomization Unit
Measurement Techniques of Powder Size Distribution
Mechanical Tests (Tensile, Compression, Hardness, Impact, Bending, Fatigue, Torsion)
Gas Atomization Unit
Measurement Techniques of Powder Size Distribution
Mechanical Tests (Tensile, Compression, Hardness, Impact, Bending, Fatigue, Torsion)
Competencentioned above.
Competencentioned above.
Directed several national and international research projects in powder metallurgy.
Supervised 5 PhD and 11 MSc Theses.
Authored or co-authored more than 30 articles in refereed journals and proceedings.
Took part in organizing comities of various scientific conferences and symposiums.
Refereed in nearly 150 R&D and industrial projects.
Worked as technical assistant and assistant editor for SCI Indexed journal (11 years).
Supervised 5 PhD and 11 MSc Theses.
Authored or co-authored more than 30 articles in refereed journals and proceedings.
Took part in organizing comities of various scientific conferences and symposiums.
Refereed in nearly 150 R&D and industrial projects.
Worked as technical assistant and assistant editor for SCI Indexed journal (11 years).
ARTICLES IN BOOK | Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials Processing, Part:(Powder Characterization) (2007). Translator: Ibrahim Uslan, Turkish Powder Metallurgy Association, Editor: Suleyman Saritas, Mehmet Turker, Nuri Durlu, Edition:1, Page Number 45, ISBN:978-975-92463-2-7, Turkish |
1. Erdem Oguz, , Cogun Can, Uslan Ibrahim, Erbas Murat (2020). Thermo-fluid multi-physics modelingand experimental verification of volumetric workpiece material removal by adischarge pulse in electric discharge machining process. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 0022-3727, 53, 39. 2. Erdem Oguz, Cogun Can, Uslan Ibrahim (2019). Effect of machining on workpiece surface characteristics in electric discharge drilling (EDD). International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences, 2019, 2636-8277, 1, 11-16. 3. Dogdu Nafel, Uslan Ibrahim, Yuksel Sefaatdin, Parlak Zekeriya (2019). Proposal of a mathematical model for describing magnetorheological fluid dynamic behavior. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 33(8), 3885-3893., Doi: 10.1007/s12206-019-0732-0 4. Erdem Oguz, Urtekin Levent, Uslan Ibrahim (2018). An investigation of moldability and mechanical properties of MgO added alumina. Kovove Materialy-Metallic Materials, 56(01), 41-53., Doi: 10.4149/km_2018_1_41 5. Gülcan Orhan, Uslan Ibrahim, Usta Yusuf, Cogun Can (2016). Performance and surface alloying characteristics of Cu–Cr and Cu–Mo powder metal tool electrodes in electrical discharge machining. Machining Science and Technology, 20(4), 523-546., Doi: 10.1080/10910344.2016.1191031 6. Erdem Oguz, Cogun Can, Urtekin Levent, Ozerkan Haci Bekir, Uslan Ibrahim (2016). The effect of powder mixed and heated dielectric on drilling performance of electric discharge machining (EDM). Journal of The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 31(3), 531-544., Doi: 10.17341/gummfd.50769 7. Gulcan Orhan, Uslan Ibrahim, Usta Yusuf, Cogun Can (2015). Effect of use of Cu-Cr P/M electrodes on machining performance of electric discharge machining. Journal of The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 30(3), 381-394. 8. Urtekin Levent,Küçüktürk Gökhan,Karaçay Tuncay,Uslan Ibrahim,Salman Serdar (2012). An investigation of thermal properties of zirconia coating on aluminum. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 37(8), 2323-2332., Doi: 10.1007/s13369-012-0289-z 9. Urtekin Levent, Uslan Ibrahim,Tuc Bedri (2012). Investigation of effect of feedstock rheologies for injection molding of steatite. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 27(2), 333-341. 10. Urtekin Levent, Uslan Ibrahim, Tuc Bedri (2012). Investigation of properties of powder injection molded steatites. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 21(3), 358-365., Doi: 10.1007/s11665-011-9901-8 11. Turan Eftal, Uslan Ibrahim, Ubeyli Mustafa (2012). Investigation on the rheological behavior of Al Fe V Si alumina composite powders. Metallic Materials, 50(1), 51-58., Doi: 10.4149/km_2012_1_51 12. Uslan Ibrahim, Erdogan Senol, Keles Omer,Usta Yusuf, Yilbas Bekir Sami,Tuc Bedri (2012). Experimental investigation of laser drilled holes variations depending on laser drilling parameters. Advanced Materials Research, 445, 448-453., Doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.445.448 13. Uslan Ibrahim, Kucukarslan Serdar (2010). An investigation on the effect of gas atomisation parameters on tin powder production. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 25(1), 1-8. 14. Topcu FT, Erdemir Ugur, Sahinkesen G, Yildiz E, Uslan Ibrahim, Acikel C (2010). evaluation of microhardness surface roughness and wear behavior of different types of resin composites polymerized with two different light sources. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials, 92(2), 470-478. 15. Yilbas Bekir Sami, Karatas Cihan, Uslan Ibrahim, Keles Omer, Usta Yusuf, Yilbas Zahide,M Ahsan (2008). Wedge cutting of mild steel by CO2 laser and cut quality assessment in relation to normal cutting. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 46(10), 777-784. 16. Al Sulaiman F, Yilbas Bekir Sami, Karatas Cihan, Keles Omer,Uslan Ibrahim ,Usta Yusuf, Ahsan M, Bazoune A (2007). Laser cutting of Kevlar and mild steel composite structure: End product quality assessment. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 16(1), 22-29. 17. Uslan Ibrahim, Berber Mahmut, Karatas Cetin, Saritas Suleyman (2007). Investigation of sintering behaviors of steatite parts produced by powder injection molding. Materials Science Forum, 534(536), 549-552. 18. Yilbas Bekir Sami, Karatas Cihan, Keles Omer, Uslan Ibrahim, Usta Yusuf, Ahsan M, Yilbas Zahide (2006). Laser cutting of corners assessment of cutting quality. Lasers in Engineering, 16(1), 157-171. 19. Yilbas Bekir Sami, Khaled M, Karatas Cihan, Uslan Ibrahim, Keles Omer, Usta Yusuf, Ahsan M (2006). Electrochemical properties of the laser nitrided surfaces of Ti-W-4V alloy. Surface & Coatings Technology, 201(3), 679-685. 20. Yilbas Bekir Sami, Karatas Cihan, Uslan Ibrahim, Keles Omer, Usta Yusuf, Ahsan M (2006). CO2 laser gas assisted nitriding of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Applied Surface Science, 252(24), 8557-8564., Doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.11.076 21. Karatas Cihan, Keles Omer, Uslan Ibrahim, Usta Yusuf (2006). Laser cutting of steel sheets influence of workpiece thickness and beam waist position on kerf size and stria formation. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 172(1), 22-29. 22. Uslan Ibrahim (2005). CO2 laser cutting kerf width variation during cutting. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 219(8), 571-577., Doi: 10.1243/095440505X32508 23. Kılınç Yusuf, Ozturk Sultan, Ozturk Bulent, Uslan Ibrahim (2004). Investigation of milling characteristics of alumina powders milled with a newly designed vibratory horizontal attritor. Powder Technology, 146(3), 200-205. 24. Ataer O Ercan, Aygun Cevdet, Uslan Ibrahim (2003). A numerical approach to the cooling curves of porous P M materials for quenching process. Powder Technology, 137(3), 159-166. 25. Uslan Ibrahim (1999). Effect of nozzle type on the particle size of air atomised aluminium powders. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 14(1), 1-15. 26. Uslan Ibrahim, Saritas Suleyman, Davies TJ (1999). Effects of variables on size and characteristics of gas atomised aluminium powders. Powder Metallurgy, 42(2), 157-163., Doi: 10.1179/003258999665512 |
1. Erdem Oguz, Cogun Can, Uslan Ibrahim (2018). Effect of machining parameters on workpiece surface characteristics in electric discharge drilling (EDD). The 18th International Conference on Machine Design and Production 2. Erdem Oguz, Cogun Can, Uslan Ibrahim (2018). investigation of electrical discharge drilling (EDD) performance of Ti-6Al-4V super alloy. 1st International Symposium on Light Alloys and Composite Materials (ISLAC’18) 3. Dogdu Nafel, Uslan Ibrahim,Yuksel Sefaatdin, Karacay Tuncay,Turkucu Tamer (2015). Manyetoreolojik sivinin dinamik davranisinin incelenmesi. International Science and Technology Conference, 842-851. 4. Sofuoglu Mehmet Alper, Erbas Murat, Uslan Ibrahim, Biyikoglu Atilla (2013). Development of a swirl nozzle for powder technology. Proceedings of The ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress And Exposition, 2013, Vol. 2A 5. Erbas Murat, Sofuoglu Mehmet Alper, Biyikoglu Atilla, Uslan Ibrahim (2013). Design and optimization of a low temperature organic rankine cycle and turbine. Proceedings of The ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress And Exposition, 2013, Vol. 6A 6. Sofuoglu Mehmet Alper, Erbas Murat, Uslan Ibrahim, Biyikoglu Atilla (2013). Design of a nozzle for the production of metal powder via gas atomization. Proceedings of The ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2013, Vol. 2A 7. Erdem Oguz, Uslan Ibrahim (2011). Toz enjeksiyon yontemiyle kaliplanmis MgO takviyeli aluminanin mekanik ozelliklerinin arastirilmasi. 6th International Powder Metallurgy Conference 8. Urtekin Levent, Uslan Ibrahim, Tuc Bedri (2011). Investigation of powder injection molding steatite: Rheology, debinding and sintering parameters. 6th International Powder Metallurgy Conference 9. Urtekin Levent, Usta Yusuf, Uslan Ibrahim, Saritas Suleyman (2008). Investigation of the apparent density of metal powders: The effects of mixing various powder sizes and powder geometry. 5th International Powder Metallurgy Conference 10. Uslan Ibrahim, Saritas Suleyman (2002). Gaz atomize aluminyum tozu olusum asamalarinin morfolojik olarak incelenmesi. 3rd International Powder Metallurgy Conference 11. Uslan Ibrahim, Saritas Suleyman (2000). Effects of atomisation parameters on the shape of aluminium powders. Powder Metallurgy World Congress 12. Uslan Ibrahim, Saritas Suleyman (1999). Gaz atomize aluminyum tozlarinda soguma hizinin toz boyutuyla degisiminin arastirilmasi. Uluslararası Katilimli 2. Ulusal Toz Metalurjisi Konferansi |
PROJECTS DIRECTED | National and International 25 Projects (Director or Researcher) |