Hakan Yavaş
Address: Turkish Aerospace Industries, Fethiye Mah Havacilik Blv No:19
Kahramankazan/Ankara TURKEY
E-mail: hakan.yavas@tai.com.tr
Nationality: Turkish

Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Turkish Aerospace Industries Kahraman Ankara Turkey
Type of business or sector
Aerospace and Space
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Additive Manufacturing
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Faculty of Electrics and Electronics, Czech Technical University in Prague
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Research Professor
Main activities and responsibilities
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Main activities and responsibilities
Research and Teaching
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Iowa State University
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Research and Teaching Assistant
Main activities and responsibilities
Research and Teaching
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Materials Division, The Ames Laboratory
Type of business or sector
US National Laboratory
Occupation or position held
Research Assistant
Main activities and responsibilities
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Materials Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Type of business or sector
US National Laboratory
Occupation or position held
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Main activities and responsibilities
Research and Teaching
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, METU- ASELSAN Inc.
Type of business or sector
University and Electronics
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Dates (from – to)
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Iowa State University, IA, USA
Principal subjects/occupational
Materials Science and Engineering
Title of qualification awarded
Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering
Dates (from – to)
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Metallurgical Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Principal subjects/occupational
Metallurgical Engineering
Title of qualification awarded
Master of Science in in Metallurgical Engineering
Dates (from – to)
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, ESTU, Eskisehir, Turkey
Principal subjects/occupational
Materials Science and Engineering
Title of qualification awarded
BSc in Materials Science and Engineering
Reading skills
Writing skills
Verbal skills
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.
Sigma-Xi Assoc Member, Mobility Goes Additive Member, European Powder Metallurgy Association Member
Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.
Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.
Turkish Advisory Board of Disruptive Technologies (Member), Additive Manufacturing Excellence Center (Head), Additive Manufacturing Division of Turkish Aerospace (Manager, Head), Additive Manufacturing Center of Research and Application (Advisory Board Member)
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.
Additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy, novel manufacturing technologies in aerospace industry, nanomechanics, computational materials science
Competencentioned above.
Competencentioned above.
Güden, H. Yavaş¸ A. A. Tanrıkulu, A. Tasdemirci a, B.Akın, S. Enser, A. Karakus¸ , B. A. Hamat Orientation dependent tensile properties of a selective-laser-melt 316L stainless steel Materials Science & Engineering A 824 (2021) 141808 H. Yavas, A. Fraile, T. Huminiuc, H. S. Sen, E. Frutos, T. Polcar “Deformation controlled design of metallic nanocomposites” ACS Materials and Interfaces, 11, 49, 46296-46302 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b12235 H. Song, H. Yavas, E. Van der Giessen, S. Papanikolaou “Discrete dislocation dynamics simulations of nanoindentation with pre-stress: hardness and statistics of abrupt plastic events” Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 123, 332-347 (2019) doi.org/(...)6/j.jmps.2018.09.005 H.Yavas, R. Bolin, H. Song, K.Hemker, S. Papanikolaou “Bending Nanoindentation and Plasticity Noise in FCC Single and Polycrystals” Crystals, 9, 652 (2019) doi:10.3390/cryst9120652 J. Chen, I.D. Tevis, H. Yavas, S. Oyola-Reynoso, R. LeSar. M.M. Thuo, “Dissipation of interfacial stress as surface reorganization in metal thin film” (Minor Revisions- Nature Communications) H. Yavas, K. Rajan and R.A. LeSar, “Temperature and texture dependency of mechanical properties of nanotwinned silver films” (submitted to Crystals) H. Yavas, K. Rajan and R.A. LeSar, “High temperature deformation behavior analysis of solute-strengthened Ag-Cu alloys by nanoindentation” (Accepted Philosophical Magazine Letters) H. Yavas, A. Hunter, I.J. Beyerlein, R. LeSar, “Investigating the effect of nanotwin boundaries on dislocation nucleation and propagation using phase field dislocation dynamics model” (to be submitted) H.Yavas, M.T. Kesim C. Durucan, “The effect of induce aging on the optoelectronic properties of ITO films”, IMMC Proceedings, 496, 1123-1135 (2014) |
H.Yavas and C. Durucan, “A parametric study on processing of scratch resistant hybrid sol-gel silica coatings on polycarbonate”, Thin Solid Films, 556, 112-119 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2014.01.024 A. A. Tanrıkulu, H. Yavaş, S. Altınok, B. A. Hamat, G. Kafadar, M. Güden The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Fracture an Micro-Mechanical Behavior of the Selective Laser Melted AlSi10MG, International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, June 10-12, 2021, On-line H. Yavaş, A. A. Tanrıkulu, A. A. Tuncay, M. Güden Nature Inspired Macro-Atomistic Design Approach in Additive Manufacturing, International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, June 10-12, 2021, On-line A.A. Tuncay, B. Hızlı, B. A. Hamat, H. Yavaş, A. A. Tanrıkulu, M. Güden The Effect of Lattice Periodicity on the Compression Behavior of the E-Beam Melted Bcc-Like Ti6Al4V Lattices, International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, June 10-12, 2021, On-line. H. Yavas, A. Fraile, T. Huminiuc, H. S. Sen, E. Frutos, T. Polcar “Deformation controlled design of metallic nanocomposites” E-MRS, Strasbourg France (2018) H. Yavas, H. Song, B. Crawford, M. K. Hemker, S. Papanikolaou, “Using Nanoindentation as a Mechanical Spectroscopy Tool: Investigating Incipient Plasticity Using in-situ 4-pt Bend Stage”, MRS 2017, April 12-17 2017, Phoenix (Oral Presentation submitted) H. Yavas, M. Besser, R. Ott, M. Kramer, K. Rajan, R. LeSar “A high-temperature in-situ nanoindentation study of nanotwinned silver films”, TMS 2016, February 14-18 2016, Nashville, TN (Oral Presentation) H. Yavas, R.A. LeSar,” High temperature deformation behavior analysis of solute-strengthened Ag-Cu alloys by nanoindentation”, GPRSC 2015, April 2 2015, Ames, IA (Oral Presentation) H. Yavas, R.A. LeSar, “A 2D dislocations dynamics model for nanotwinned materials”, TMS 2014, February 16-20 2014, San Diego, CA (Oral Presentation) H. Yavas, M.T. Kesim, C. Durucan,”Nanoparticle-incorporated indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films obtained through sol-gel process“, Glass and Optical Materials Division Annual Meeting, May 15-19 2011, Savannah, GA (Poster Presentation) M.T. Kesim, H. Yavas, C. Durucan,”Sol-gel derived silver-incorporated hybrid ITO thin films“, Glass and Optical Materials Division Annual Meeting, May 15-19 2011, Savannah, GA (Poster Presentation) H. Yavas, M.T. Kesim, C. Durucan, “Sol-gel processing of ITO thin films on glass”, 15th International Metallurgy & Materials Congress (IMMC 2010), UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers, 11-13 November 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, Congress e-Book, p 2241 (Oral Presentation) M.T. Kesim,H. Yavas, C. Durucan, “transparent conductive thin films elaborated by sol-gel routes”, (NANOTR-VI), IZTECH Izmir Institute of Technology, 15-18 June 2010, Izmir, Turkey, Abstract Book, p 528. (Poster Presentation) H. Yavas, C. Durucan, O. Kahramangil, C.D.O. Selcuk, A.E.S. Ozhan “Optical screening system of electro-optical system for thermal camera, has management center that issues command to triggering unit which activates destructive unit, to start optical screening”, Patent Number: WO2013080188-A1 H. Yavas, H. Song, K. Hemker, S. Papanikolaou “A novel nanomechanical spectroscopy tool and a statistical algorithm to detect incipient plasticity”, Pending H. Yavas, Ahmet Alptuğ Tanrıkulu, Remzi Ecmel Ece “Bir Eklemeli İmalat Tezgahı” 4315/TR, 2019/13134 (2019) H. Yavas, Ahmet Alptuğ Tanrıkulu, “Bir Eklemeli İmalat Tezgahı” 4309/TR, 2019/13132 (2019) H. Yavas, Ahmet Alptuğ Tanrıkulu, Remzi Ecmel Ece “Bir Eklemeli İmalat Cihazı” 4315/TR, 2019/13134 (2019) H. Yavas, Ahmet Alptuğ Tanrıkulu “Bir Toz Yataklı Eklemeli İmalat Tezgahı” 4307/TR, 2019/13130 (2019) H. Yavas, Ahmet Alptuğ Tanrıkulu “Çoklu Laser Işını ile Eklemeli İmalat Yöntemi” FM.STR.24T-P3 (2019) H. Yavas, Ahmet Alptuğ Tanrıkulu “Çoklu Laser Işını ile Eklemeli İmalat Yöntemi” FM.STR.24T-P3 (2019) H. Yavas, Ahmet Alptuğ Tanrıkulu “Eklemeli İmalat için bir Manyetik Sıçratma Ünitesi” FM.STR.24T-P4 (2019) H. Yavas, Ahmet Alptuğ Tanrıkulu “Eklemeli İmalat için bir Manyetik Sıçratma Ünitesi” FM.STR.24T-P4 (2019) H. Yavas, Ahmet Alptuğ Tanrıkulu “Eklemeli İmalat Tezgahları için Dikey Yönde Hareket Edebilir Soğutucu Ünitesi” F-M.STR.24T-P5 (2019) H. Yavas, Ahmet Alptuğ Tanrıkulu “Fonksiyonel Isıtıcı/Soğutucu/Basınç Uygulayabilir Bir Adaptörün Eklemeli İmalat Sürecine Entegre Edilmesi” FM.STR.24T-P7 (2019) H. Yavas, Ahmet Alptuğ Tanrıkulu, Remzi Ecmel Ece “Toz Yataklı Eklemeli İmalat Tezgahları İçerisine Bir Titreşimli Tablanın Entegre Edilmesi” FM.STR.24T-P8 (2019) H. Yavas “Eklemeli İmalat Teknolojileri ile Üretilmiş Parçaların Hassas Mekanik ve Mikroyapısal Özelliklerinin Tayinine İlişkin Bir Karakterizasyon Metodolojisi” FM.STR.24T-P9 (2019) H. Yavas, Ahmet Alptuğ Tanrıkulu, Akin Dagkolu, Istemihan Gokdag “Bir Geometri Olusturma ve Optimizasyon Metodolojisi” FM.STR.24T-P10 (2019) Ahmet Alptuğ Tanrıkulu, H. Yavas, Sertaç Altınok “Eklemeli İmalat Tezgahları için Ayrlanabilir İnşa Tablası” FM.STR.24T-P11 (2019) Büşra Aykaç, Yahya Öz, H. Yavas, Ahmet Alptuğ Tanrıkulu “Eklemeli İmalat Teknolojileri ile Üretilmiş Metal Parçaların Ardıl İşlem Metodolojisinin Geliştirilmesi” FM.STR.24T-P12 (2019) |
2019 International Inventions Fair Gold Medal
ISIF 19, Istanbul TR 2019 International Inventions Fair Siver Medal ISIF 19, Istanbul TR 2019 International Inventions Fair Bronze Medal ISIF 19, Istanbul TR 2019 Patent Award #1 Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc., Ankara TR 2019 Patent Award #2 Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc., Ankara TR 2019 Patent Award #3 Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc., Ankara TR 2019 Patent Award #4 Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc., Ankara TR 2019 Patent Award #5 Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc., Ankara TR 2019 Patent Award #6 Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc., Ankara TR 2019 Patent Award #7 Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc., Ankara TR 2018 ADVAMAT Award Czech Technical University in Prague, Dept. of Control Engineering, Prague CZ 2017 Materials Research Society (MRS) Graduate Award Committee MRS, Phoenix USA 2016 Iowa State University Research Excellence Award Iowa State University, Ames, IA 2016 Sigma Xi Associate Member 2015 Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Scholar Iowa State University, Ames, IA 2014 Korea Institute of Advanced Study (KIAS) Scholarship for Summer School on Active Systems KIAS and Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Seoul, Korea 2013 University of California Santa Barbara- ICMR Scholarship “International Center of Materials Research” 2013 Best Undergraduate Student Award Between 1993-2013 Anadolu Univ. Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering 2012 Iowa State University- Departmental Graduate Research Assistantship “Department of Materials Science and Engineering” 2011 2nd Place - The American Ceramic Society Graduate Poster Award “Nanoparticle-incorporated indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films obtained through sol-gel process” 2010 TUBITAK (Turkish NSF)– 1001 Projects Scholarship The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) 2010 BR Scholarship - AMADE Research Group Universitat de Girona, Barcelona, SPAIN 2009 2nd Place – Silver Medal- in the “The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey” (TUBITAK) Thunderbird Team Leader Izmir, TURKEY 2009 4th Place in the TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Orca Team Leader, Izmir, TURKEY |
EU COFUND- Industrial PI; Total Budget 2.38 Million Euro (2021- ongoing) TÜBİTAK 2244- Industrial PI (2020-ongoing) TÜBİTAK 1515- PI; Total Budget: 100 Million TL (2018-ongoing) TÜBİTAK 1501- Co-PI; Total Budget: 3,6 Million TL (2019- ongoing) TÜBİTAK 1004 – TAI PI (Company PI); Total Budget: 50 Million TL (2019- ongoing) EU-FET OPEN ICARUS – Co- PI: 4.5 Million EUR (2018) DOE, Department of Basic Sciences (Johns Hopkins Unv), Scientist; Total Budget: 800K USD (2016) DOE, Department of Basic Sciences (ISU and The Ames Lab), Scientist; Total Budget: 2.5 Million USD (2012-2016) TÜBİTAK 1001, Graduate Researcher; Total Budget: 400K TL (2010-2012) |