Fahrettin Öztürk
Prof. Dr.
Address: Executive VP, R&D and Prototype
Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc., Ankara, Turkey
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Ankara, Turkey
Telephone: +90 312 9062250
E-mail: fahrettin.ozturk@tai.com.tr fozturk@ybu.edu.tr fahrettin71@gmail.com
Nationality: Turkish

Course Title: Mechanical Systems Laboratory
Research project: Material Screening for High Temperature Foil Air Bearing Application
Course Title: Mechanical Systems Laboratory
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
Course Titles: Mechanical Systems Laboratory, Analysis of Manufacturing Processes, Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory I, Experimental Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering Experimentation, Elements of Mechanical Design
Nigde University, Nigde, Turkey
Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey
1. 2020 With his invention titled “A Plate Shaping System”, together with other four inventors,
he was awarded the Bronze Medal in the 5th Istanbul International Invention Fair (ISIF'20)
2. 2014 Senior Design Students under his mentorship received the INNOVATOR Summer
Series Competition First Place Award, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
3. 2014 Senior Design Students under his mentorship received Think Science Competition
First Place Award for at categories for university-level projects, UAE.
4. 2014 Senior Design Students under his mentorship received the Ebtikar Senior Design First
Place Award in the Mechanical Engineering Department, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
5. 2014 Senior Design Students under his mentorship received the Ebtikar Senior Design First
Place Award in the Mechanical Engineering Department, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
6. 2013 Senior Design Students under his mentorship received the Ebtikar Senior Design First
Place Award in The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
7. 2013 Contribution to University Entrepreneurship and Innovation Index and successful
work for university-industry collaboration, Nigde University, Nigde, Turkey
8. 2012 Master Thesis under his supervision has been awarded for the 4th Dr. Akin Cakmakci
Best Thesis and Foundation on University-Industry Collaboration Award by the Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV), Turkey
9. 2012 Ranked ninth in 2011 SCI publications in Nigde University, Turkey
10. 2011 Ranked third in 2010 SCI publications in Nigde University, Turkey
11. 2010 Most Downloaded Articles Award of Journal of Materials Processing Technology
12. 1998 Awarded in Recognition of achievement and personal development in student
leadership at Rensselaer by The Boeing Company and The Archer Center for Student Leadership Development, RPI, Troy, NY, USA.
13. 1993 Awarded Graduate Study Abroad Scholarships, Turkey
14. 1992 Ranked first in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Selcuk University, Konya,
12/2020 - | Executive Vice President, R&D and Prototype Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc., Ankara, Turkey |
05/2019 - | Head of Design and Manufacturing Division in Mechanical Eng. Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Ankara, Turkey |
04/2019 – 12/2020 | Vice President, R&D and Prototype Operations Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. |
12/2016 - 04/2019 | Vice President, Strategy and Technology Management Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc., Ankara, Turkey |
01/2012 - 12/2016 | Teaching Area Group (TAG) Leader of Solid Mechanics in Mechanical Eng. The Petroleum Institute |
07/2005 - 10/2007 | Associate Director of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Nigde University, Nigde, Turkey |
07/2005 - 10/2007 | Deputy Chair of Mechanical Engineering Department Nigde University, Nigde, Turkey |
09/2004 - 08/2011 | Head of Design and Manufacturing Division in Mechanical Eng. Nigde University, Nigde, Turkey |
1997 - 1998 | President of Turkish Student Association at Rensselaer Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
1994 - 1995 | Social Activity Coordinator Turkish American Student Association at the University of Pittsburgh |
h-index | Sum of the Times Cited | |
Web of Science | 16 | 1202 |
Scopus | 16 | 1404 |
Google Scholar | 21 | 2260 |
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-9517-7957
Scopus Author ID: 8978893600
Web of Science ResearcherID: AAA-9165-2019
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IYxwYWkAAAAJ&hl=tr
2020 “A Plate Shaping System”, Turkish Patent Institute (TPI), Application Number: 2020/11405 (with four inventers) 2020 “Thermoforming System”, Turkish Patent Institute (TPI), Application Number: 2020/13708 (with two inventors)
Ph. D. (2002)
Thesis Title: “Analysis of Forming Limits Using Ductile Fracture Criteria”
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Daeyong Lee.
M. Sc. (1995)
Project Title: “Three Disk Shrink Fit Problem”
Advisor: Prof. Dr. T. C. Woo.
Thermoforming System”, Turkish Patent Institute (TPI), Application Number: 2020/13708 (with two inventors)
Book Chapters:
1. Ilyas Kacar, Fahrettin Ozturk “Advances in Stamping” for Modern Manufacturing Technologies by Muammer Koc, Tugrul Özel, John Wiley and Sons Inc., Haboken, NJ, USA, ISBN 9781119120391 (epub)- ISBN 9781118071922 (hardcover), 3-13, 2020.
2. Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Ilyas Kacar, “Warm Stamping” for Modern Manufacturing Technologies by Muammer Koc, Tugrul Özel, John Wiley and Sons Inc., Haboken, NJ, USA, ISBN 9781119120391 (epub)- ISBN 9781118071922 (hardcover), 187-218, 2020.
3. Fahrettin Ozturk, Ilyas Kacar, Muammer Koc, “Hot Stamping” for Modern Manufacturing Technologies by Muammer Koc, Tugrul Özel, John Wiley and Sons Inc., Haboken, NJ, USA, ISBN 9781119120391 (epub)- ISBN 9781118071922 (hardcover), 239-264, 2020.
4. Suleyman Kilic, Ilyas Kacar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Investigation of Sheet Metal Formability Parameters in Finite Element Analysis, Science and Vocational Studies in the Future World, Engineering and Technology, Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım, 271-291, 2018. (In Turkish)
5. Ozturk, F., Evis, Z., and Kilic, S., Hot Dip Galvanizing Process, In: Hashmi, M.S.J. (ed.), Comprehensive Materials Finishing, Oxford: Elsevier, 3, 178-190, 2016.
6. Fahrettin Ozturk, Tanju Deveci, Ebru Gunister, Rodney Rodney J. Simmons, Innovative Instructional Strategies for Teaching Materials Science in Engineering, Handbook of Research on Recent Developments in Materials Science and Corrosion Engineering Education, IGI Global, Editor: Hwee Lim, ISBN 978-1-4666-8183-5 (hardcover) -- ISBN 978-1-4666-8184-2 (ebook), 100-117, 2015.
Book Translation:
1. Fahrettin Öztürk and İlyas Kacar, Principles of Modern Manufacturing, Mikell P. GROOVER-ISBN: 978-605-320-054-3 (Chapters 3, 16, 18, and 25)
Refereed Journal Papers (SCI and SCI Expanded):
1. O Tunc, I Kacar, F Ozturk, Investigation of Forging Performance for AA6082, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, (Accepted).
2. Halil Yıldırım, Fahrettin Ozturk, A Benchmark Study of the Material Models for Forming Simulation of Woven Fabrics, The Journal of the Textile Institute (In press).
3. Jiansha Dong, Fahrettin Ozturk, Ana Nieto, Tianye Guo, Firas Jarrar, Jamal Y. Sheikh-Ahmad, Analysis of Process Parameters for Different Material Pairs of Mechanically Lined CRA Pipes Manufactured by Thermal-Hydraulic Expansion Process, The Journal Tehnički vjesnik - Technical Gazette, 28 (5), 1442-1447, 2021.
4. Ilyas Kacar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Suleyman Kilic, Prediction of Strain Limits via Marciniak-Kuczynski Model and Novel Semi Empirical Forming Limit Diagram Model for Dual Phase DP600 Advanced High Strength Steel, Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 66 (10), 602-612, 2020.
5. Suleyman Kilic, Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Analysis of yield criteria and flow curves on FLC for TWIP900 steel, Experimental Techniques, 44, 597-612, 2020.
6. Jabbar Gattmah, Fahrettin Ozturk, Sadettin Orhan, A new development of measurement technique for residual stresses generated by the cold tube drawing process with a fixed mandrel, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 108, 3675-3687, 2020.
7. Guangwen Dai, Firas Jarrar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Jamal Sheikh-Ahmad, Zemin Li, An Accurate Constitutive Model for AZ31B Magnesium Alloy during Superplastic Forming, Metals, 9, 1273, 1-20, 2019.
8. Jabbar Gattmah, Fahrettin Ozturk, Sadettin Orhan, Numerical Simulation of Bending Process for Steel Plate Using Finite Element Analysis, Arab J Sci Eng, 44, 10285-10292, 2019.
9. Suleyman Kilic, Ilyas Kacar, Mevlut Sahin, Fahrettin Ozturk, Oguz Erdem, Effects of Aging Temperature, Time, and Pre-Strain on Mechanical Properties of AA7075, Materials Research, 22 (5), 1-13, 2019.
10. Suleyman Kilic, Ilyas Kacar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Havacılık Endüstrisinde Yeni Trend: Al-Li Esaslı Alaşımları, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 34 (1), 275-296, 2019.
11. Serkan Toros, Fahrettin Ozturk, 3D Microstructural Finite Element Simulation of Martensitic Transformation of TRIP Steels, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 15 (7), 1-13, 2018.
12. S. Kilic, F. Ozturk, R.C. Picu, Investigation of the Performance of Flow Models for TWIP Steel, J Mater Eng Perform, 27 (8), 4364-4371 2018.
13. Ilyas Kacar, Ismail Durgun, Fahrettin Ozturk, Rodney J. Simmons, A review of light duty passenger car weight reduction impact on CO2 emission, Int. J. Global Warming, 15 (3), 333-349, 2018.
14. Z. Hou, J. Sheikh-Ahmad, F. Jarrar, F. Ozturk, Residual Stresses in Dissimilar Friction Stir Welding of AA2024 and AZ31: Experimental and Numerical Study, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., 140, 051015- 051015-10, 2018.
15. Jiansha Dong, Fahrettin Ozturk, Firas Jarrar, Jamal Y. Sheikh-Ahmad, Numerical Post-Buckling Analysis of Mechanically Lined Corrosion Resistant Alloy Pipes, J. Pressure Vessel Technol, 140, 014502-1014502-4, 2018.
16. Zemin Li, Guangwen Dai, Jing Shi, Firas Jarrar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Jamal Ahmad, Using the Particle Swarm Optimization Method for the Constitutive Modeling of AZ31B, Material Science and Engineering Technology (Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech.), 48, 993–997, 2017.
17. Jabbar Gattmah, Fahrettin Ozturk, Sadettin Orhan, Experimental and finite element analysis of residual stresses in cold tube drawing process with a fixed mandrel for AISI 1010 steel tube, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 93, 1229-1241, 2017.
18. Jabbar Gattmah, Fahrettin Ozturk, Sadettin Orhan, Effects of process parameters on hot extrusion of hollow tube, Arab J Sci Eng, 42, 2021-2030, 2017.
19. Suleyman Kilic, Fahrettin Ozturk, Evaluation of formability under different deformation modes for TWIP900 steel, J. Eng. Mater. Technol, 139, 031001-031001-8, 2017.
20. Tianye Guo, Fahrettin Ozturk, Firas Jarrar, Jamal Y. Sheikh-Ahmad, Analysis of Contact Pressure of Mechanically Lined Pipe by Hydraulic Expansion Process, J. Pressure Vessel Technol, 139, 021212-021212-7, 2017.
21. Fahrettin Ozturk, Remzi Ecmel Ece, Naki Polat, Arif Koksal, Zafer Evis, Jamal Y. Sheikh-Ahmad, Application of Electric Resistance Heating Method on Titanium Hot Forming at Industrial Scale, Arab J Sci Eng, 41, 4441-4448, 2016.
22. J.Y. Sheikh-Ahmad, F. Ozturk, F. Jarrar, Z. Evis, Thermal History and Microstructure during Friction Stir Welding of Al-Mg Alloy, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 86, 1071-1081, 2016.
23. Suleyman Kilic, Fahrettin Ozturk, Comparison of Performances of Commercial TWIP900 and DP600 Advanced High Strength Steels in Automotive Industry, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 31 (3), 567-578, 2016.
24. Ilyas Kacar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Bekir Sami Yilbas, A Review and Current State-of-the-Art of Laser Beam Welding in the Automotive Industry, Lasers in Eng, 33 (4-6), 327-338, 2016.
25. Aytekin Polat, Mustafa Avsar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Effects of Artificial Aging Temperature and Time on Mechanical Properties and Springback Behaviors of AA6061, Materiali in Tehnologije/Materials and Technology, 49 (4), 487-493, 2015.
26. S. Kilic, F. Ozturk, T. Sigirtmac, G. Tekin, Effects of pre-strain and temperature on bake hardening of TWIP900CR steel, J Iron Steel Res Int, 22 (4) 361-365, 2015.
27. Murat Dilmec, Huseyin Selcuk Halkaci, Fahrettin Ozturk, Investigation into reasons for minimum major strain offsetting of forming limit curve obtained with Nakajima test for AA 2024-T4, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 29 (3), 527-536, 2014.
28. Mevlut Turkoz, H. Selcuk Halkaci, Osman Yigit, Murat Dilmec, Fahrettin Ozturk, A New Method for Determining Limit Strains of Materials Show Post-Uniform Elongation Behavior, P I Mech Eng B-J Eng, 228 (3), 450-457, 2014.
29. Umit Kockan, Fahrettin Ozturk, Zafer Evis, Artificial Neural Networks Prediction of Hexagonal Lattice Parameters for Non-stoichiometric Apatites, Materiali in Tehnologije/Materials and Technology, 48 (1), 73-79, 2014.
30. Murat Dilmec, Huseyin Selcuk Halkaci, Fahrettin Ozturk, Mevlut Turkoz, Effect of Sheet Thickness on Anisotropy and Thickness Distribution for AA 2024-T4, Materiali in Tehnologije/Materials and Technology, 47(5), 605–610, 2013.
31. Murat Dilmec, H.Selcuk Halkaci, Fahrettin Ozturk, Haydar Livatyali, Osman Yigit, Effects of sheet thickness and anisotropy on forming limit curves of AA2024-T4, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 67, 2689-2700, 2013.
32. Fahrettin Ozturk, Remzi Ecmel Ece, Naki Polat, Arif Koksal, Zafer Evis, Aytekin Polat, Mechanical and Microstructural Evaluations of Hot Formed Titanium Sheets by Electrical Resistance Heating Process, Mat Sci Eng A-Struct, 578, 207-214, 2013.
33. F. Ozturk, A. Polat, S. Toros, R. C. Picu, Strain Hardening and Strain Rate Sensitivity Behaviors of Advanced High Strength Steels, J Iron Steel Res Int, 20 (6) 68-74, 2013.
34. Dilmec, Murat, Halkaci, H. Selcuk, Ozturk, Fahrettin, and Turkoz, Mevlut, Detailed Investigation of Forming Limit Determination Standards for Aluminum Alloys, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 41(1), 10-21, 2013.
35. S. Toros, A. Polat, F. Ozturk, Formability and Springback Characterization of TRIP800 Advanced High Strength Steel, Mater Design, 41, 298-305, 2012.
36. S. Toros, M. Alkan, R.E. Ece, F. Ozturk, Effect of Pre-Straining on the Springback Behavior of the AA 5754-0, Materiali in Tehnologije/Materials and Technology, 45 (6), 25-32, 2011.
37. F. Ozturk, Finite Element Modeling of Two Disk Shrink Fit Assembly and Evaluation of Material Pairs of Disks, P I Mech Eng C-J Mec, 225 (2), 263-273, 2011.
38. Serkan Toros, Fahrettin Ozturk, Flow curve prediction of Al-Mg alloys under warm forming conditions at various strain rates by ANN, Appl Soft Comput, 11 (2), 1891-1898, 2011.
39. Fahrettin Ozturk, Hakan Pekel, Huseyin S. Halkaci, The Effect of Strain Rate Sensitivity on Formability of AA 5754-O at Cold and Warm Temperatures, J Mater Eng Perform, 20 (1), 77-81, 2011.
40. Catalin R. Picu, Fahrettin Ozturk, E. Esener, Renge Li, Aluminum Alloys with Identical Plastic Flow and Different Strain Rate Sensitivity, Metall Mater Trans A, 41A (13), 3358-3364, 2010.
41. Ahu Fahriye Acar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Mustafa Bayrak, Effects of Variations in Alloy Content and Machining Parameters on the Strength of the Intermetallic Bonding Between a Diesel Piston and A Ring Carrier, Materiali in Tehnologije/Materials and Technology, 44 (6), 391-395, 2010.
42. Emre Esener, Fahrettin Ozturk, Mustafa Yenice, An Investigation of Use Biaxial Data in Sheet Metal Forming Simulations, steel research int, 81 (9), 1412-1415, 2010. (It was presented at 13th International Conference on Metal Forming, Sept. 19 - 22, 2010, Hotel Nikko Toyohashi, Toyohashi, Japan).
43. Emrah Uysal, Fahrettin Ozturk, Analysis of Forming Limit Diagrams of DP600 Steel at Various Deformation Speeds, steel research int, 81 (9), 837-840, 2010. (It was presented at 13th International Conference on Metal Forming, Sept. 19 - 22, 2010, Hotel Nikko Toyohashi, Toyohashi, Japan).
44. Fahrettin Ozturk, Remzi Ecmel Ece, Naki Polat, Arif Koksal, Effects of Warm Temperature on Springback Compensation of Titanium Sheet, Mater Manuf Process, 25 (9), 1021-1024, 2010.
45. F. Ozturk, S. Toros, S. Kilic, Tensile Deformation Behavior of AA5083-H111 at Cold and Warm Temperatures, Int. J. Mat. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.), 101 (9), 1172-1179, 2010.
46. Serkan Toros, Fahrettin Ozturk, Modeling Uniaxial, Temperature and Strain Rate Dependent Behavior of Al-Mg Alloys, Comp Mater Sci., 49 (2), 333-339, 2010.
47. F. Ozturk, E. Esener, S. Toros, R.C. Picu, Effects of Aging Parameters on Formability of 6061-O Alloy, Mater Design, 31 (10), 4847-4852, 2010.
48. F. Ozturk, A. Sisman, S. Toros, S. Kilic, R.C. Picu, Influence of Aging Treatment on Mechanical Properties of 6061 Aluminum Alloy, Mater Design, 31 (2), 972-975, 2010.
49. Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Suleyman Kilic, Tensile and Springback Behavior of DP600 Advanced High Strength Steel at Warm Temperatures, J Iron Steel Res Int, 16(6) 41-46, 2009.
50. F. Ozturk, S. Toros, H. Pekel, Evaluation of Tensile Behavior of 5754 Aluminum-Magnesium Alloy at Cold and Warm Temperature, Mater Sci Tech-Lond, 25 (7), 919-924, 2009.
51. Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Suleyman Kilic, Muhammet H Bas, Effects of Cold and Warm Temperatures on Springback of AA 5083-H111, P I Mech Eng B-J Eng, 223 (4), 427-431, 2009.
52. Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, M. Hakan Bas, Suleyman Kilic, Evaluation of Tensile Properties of High Strength Steels at Warm Temperatures and Various Strain Rates, steel research int., 79 Special Edition Metal Forming Conference 2008, Volume 2, 295-300, 2008.
53. Serkan Toros, Fahrettin Ozturk, Ilyas Kacar, Review of Warm Forming of Aluminum-Magnesium Alloys, J Mater Process Tech, 207 (1-3), 1-12, 2008.
54. Zafer Evis, Fahrettin Ozturk, Investigation of Tensile Strength of Hydroxyapatite with Various Porosities by Diametral Strength Test, Mater Sci Tech-Lond, 24 (4), 474-478, 2008.
55. Mustafa Bayrak, Fahrettin Ozturk, Mehmet Demirezen, Zafer Evis, Analysis of Tempering Treatment on Material Properties of DIN 41Cr4 and DIN 42CrMo4 Steels, J Mater Eng Perform, 16 (5), 597-600, 2007.
56. Fahrettin Ozturk and Daeyong Lee, New Methodology for Ductile Fracture Criteria to Predict the Forming Limits, J Mater Eng Perform, 16 (2), 224-228, 2007.
57. Fahrettin Ozturk and Daeyong Lee, Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Out-of-Plane Formability Test, J Mater Process Tech, 170 (1-2), 247-253, 2005.
58. R. C. Picu, G. Vincze, F. Ozturk, J. J. Gracio, F. Barlat, and A. M. Maniatty, Strain Rate Sensitivity of the Commercial Aluminum Alloy AA5182-O, Mat Sci Eng A-Struct, 390 (1-2), 334-343, 2005.
59. Fahrettin Ozturk and Daeyong Lee, Analysis of Forming Limits Using Ductile Fracture Criteria, J Mater Process Tech, 147 (3), 397-404, 2004.
Refereed International Journal:
1. Esma Nur Duran, Yasemin Sumeyye Yildirimoglu, Seda Ersoz, Fahrettin Ozturk, Zafer Gemici, Investigation of Press Forming Process for CF/PEEK and GF/PP Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Int J Eng Tech & Inf, 2(3), 53-60, 2021.
2. Guangwen Dai, Firas Jarrar, Fahrettin Ozturk, and Jamal Sheikh-Ahmad, On the Effect of the Complexity of the Constitutive Model in Simulating Superplastic Forming, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 385, 379-384, 2018. (It was presented at the 13th International Conference on Superplasticity in Advanced Materials (ICSAM 2018), August 19-22, 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia.)
3. Kun Li, Firas Jarrar, Jamal Sheikh-Ahmad, Fahrettin Ozturk, Using coupled Eulerian Lagrangian formulation for accurate modeling of the friction stir welding process, Procedia Engineering, 207, 574-579, 2017. (It was presented at the 12th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2017, 17-22 September 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom).
4. Z. Li, G. Dai, J. Shi, F. Jarrar, F. Ozturk, J. Sheikh-Ahmad, Jamal Ahmad, Using the Particle Swarm Optimization Method for the Constitutive Modeling of AZ31B, Material Science and Engineering Technology, 48, 993–997, 2017. (It was presented at the 11th European Conference on Superplastic Forming (EUROSPF2016), September 7-9, 2016, Toulouse, France).
5. Nuha Juneidi, Rania Asha, Firas Jarrar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Design for Manufacturing of an Aluminum Superplastic AA5083 Alloy Plate-fin Heat Exchanger, Journal of Materials Science Research, 5 (2), 115-121, 2016. (It was presented at Advances in Materials and Processing Technology (AMPT2014), Atlantis, The Palm - November 17-20, 2014. Dubai, UAE.).
6. Fahrettin Ozturk, Prediction of forming limit diagram using Marciniak–Kuczynski and Swift-Hill models via yield criteria for TRIP800, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 1, 3-4, 619-625, 2016. (It was presented at Advances in Materials and Processing Technology (AMPT2014), Atlantis, The Palm - November 17-20, 2014. Dubai, UAE.).
7. Fahrettin Ozturk, Tuncay Bayrak, The Academicians’ Perspective on the Challenges Facing Higher Education in Turkey, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 202-209, 2015. (It was presented at INNOVATION ISTANBUL 2015, World Conference on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Istanbul University, May 28-30, 2015, Istanbul, Turkey).
8. Ilyas Kacar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Firas Jarrar, Defects and Remedies in Stamping of Advanced High Strength Steels, Journal of Modern Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 1, 68-74, 2014. (It was presented at The 16th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, June 30-July 03 2014, Izmir, Turkey).
9. Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Suleyman Kilic, Effects of Anisotropic Yield Functions on Prediction of Forming Limit Diagrams of DP600 Advanced High Strength Steel, Procedia Engineering, 81, 760-765, 2014. (It was presented at 11th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2014, 19-24 October 2014, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japan).
10. Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Suleyman Kilic, Ilyas Kacar, Evaluation of Anisotropy by Two Different Tests for TRIP800 Steel, Key Engineering Materials, 622-623, 1139-1144, 2014. (15th International Conference on Metal Forming 2014, September 21-24, 2014, Palermo, Italy).
11. S. Toros, F. Ozturk, M. Kaya, Modeling Uniaxial, Temperature, and Strain Rate Dependent Behavior of AZ31 Alloy by Softening Model, Key Engineering Materials, 473, 624-630, 2011. (It was presented at 14th International Conference on Sheet Metal, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, April 18, 2011 - April 20, 2011, Leuven, Belgium).
12. Fahrettin Ozturk, Remzi Ecmel Ece, Naki Polat, Arif Koksal, Assessment of Electrical Resistance Heating for Hot Formability of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Sheet, Key Engineering Materials, 473, 130-136, 2011. (It was presented at 14th International Conference on Sheet Metal, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, April 18, 2011 - April 20, 2011, Leuven, Belgium).
13. Fahrettin Ozturk, Zafer Evis, Serkan Toros, Finite Element Simulation of Diametral Strength Test of Hydroxyapatite, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1315, 259-264, 2010. (It was presented at Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 2010, (AMPT2010), 24-27 October 2010, Paris, France).
14. Serkan Toros, Suleyman Kilic, Fahrettin Ozturk, The Effects of Material Thickness and Deformation Speed on Springback Behavior of DP600 Steel, Advanced Materials Research, 264-265, 636-645, 2011. (It was presented at Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 2009 (AMPT2009), 26-29 October 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).
15. F. Ozturk, M. A. Arslan, Analysis of Temperature Distribution on Warm Forming of Aluminum-Magnesium alloy, Advanced Materials Research, 264-265, 329-336, 2011. (It was presented at Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 2009 (AMPT2009), 26-29 October 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).
16. Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Suleyman Kilic, Evaluation of Tensile Properties of 5052 Type Aluminum-Magnesium Alloy at Warm Temperatures, Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, 34 (2), 95-98, 2008. (It was presented at 12th International Materials Symposium, 15-17 October 2008, Denizli, Turkey).
Refereed National Journals:
1. Ozturk, F, Fazla, H., Akbay, R. A. & Kotil, T., Aviation and Meteorology, European Journal of Science and Technology, 25, 131-138, 2021.
2. Zafer Gemici, Fahrettin Ozturk, Correct Interpretation of R&D: Integrated R&D, Innovation and Technology Management, Journal of Machine Design and Manufacturing, 18 (2), 82-91, 2020. (In Turkish).
3. Suleyman Kilic, Ilyas Kacar, Mevlut Sahin, Fahrettin Ozturk, Oguz Erdem, Investigation of effect on the mechanical properties of quenching temperature in AA7075, NOHU J. Eng. Sci., 9 (1), 528-537, 2020.
4. Suleyman Kilic, Ilyas Kacar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Mevlut Sahin Oguz Erdem, Investigation of Effects of Different Pre-straining on Mechanical Properties of AA7075 Aging, Int. J. Adv. Eng. Pure Sci., Special Issue-1: 23-32, 2019. (It was presented at the 18th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, 3-6 July 2018, Eskişehir, Turkey.)
5. Suleyman Kilic, Ilyas Kacar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Effect of Different Optimization Methods on the Estimations of Yld2000 Yield Criterion Coefficients, Omer Halisdemir University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 8 (1), 447-463, 2019.
6. Jabbar Gattmah, Fahrettin Ozturk, Sadettin Orhan, Effect of the process parameters on cold tube drawing with a fixed plug using finite element analysis for AISI 1010 steel, Sakarya University Journal of Science, 21 (5), 886-892, 2017.
7. Murat Dilmec, Fahrettin Ozturk, Huseyin Selcuk Halkaci, Determination of Thickness Distributions of Sheet Metal Parts with 3D Scanning Method, Düzce University Journal of Science and Technology, 5, 477-484, 2017. (It was presented at International Symposium on 3D Printing Technologies, 3D PRINT TURKEY, 03 - 04 April 2017, İstanbul, Turkey.).
8. Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Suleyman Kilic, Improvement of Softening Model for Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Having a High Softening Tendency at Elevated Temperatures, Electronic Journal of Machine Technologies, 13 (2), 29-37, 2016.
9. Yusuf Sahin, M. Hakan Bas, Fahrettin Ozturk, Suleyman Kılıc, Ductility Measurement of a Material by Image Processing, Nigde University, Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2 (2), 34-42, 2013. (In Turkish).
10. Fahrettin Ozturk, Ilyas Kacar, Investigation of Magnesium Alloys and Their Applications, Nigde University, Journal of Engineering Sciences, 1 (1), 12-20, 2012. (In Turkish).
11. Fahrettin Ozturk, Tse-Chien Woo, Simulations of Interference and Interfacial Pressure for Three Disk Shrink Fit Assembly, GU J Sci, 23 (2), 233-236, 2010.
12. Süleyman Kiliç, Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Investigation of Mechanical Properties and Springback Behaviors of DP600 Steel, Journal of Machine Design and Manufacturing, 11 (1), 40-45, 2009. (In Turkish).
13. Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Emre Esener, Emrah Uysal, Investigation of High Strength Steels Usage in Automotive Industry, The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, Engineer and Machine, 50 (596), 44-49, 2009. (In Turkish) (It was presented at Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA) The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Bursa Branch. XI. Automotive Symposium. 8-9 May 2007, Bursa, Turkey).
14. Toros S., Ece E.R., Ozturk F., Alkan M., The Investigation of Prestraining on Springback Behavior of 5754-O Al-Mg Alloy Experimentally and Finite Element Model, Electronic Journal of Machine Technologies, 6 (3), 1-9, 2009. (In Turkish).
15. Ahu Fahriye Acar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Mustafa Bayrak, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA) The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, Engineer and Machine, 49 (582), 10-16, 2008. (In Turkish) (It was presented at Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA) The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Konya Branch. IV. Machine Design and Manufacturing Technologies Congress. 24-25 November 2007, Konya, Turkey).
16. Erkan Toros, Serkan Toros, Fahrettin Ozturk. Reconfigurable Thermoforming Die Design and Manufacturing. MakinaTek, 122, 104-108, 2007. (In Turkish).
17. Mehmet Demirezen, Mustafa Bayrak, Fahrettin Ozturk. Investigation of the Effect Heat Treatment on Material Properties of DIN 41Cr4 and DIN 42CrMo4 Steels. Karabük University, Technical Education Faculty, The TEKNOLOJI, 9(2), 145-152, 2006. (In Turkish).
18. Mesut Demirkirdi, Ilyas Kacar, Fahrettin Ozturk. What is Nanotechnology? Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA) The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Kayseri Branch Machine Bulletin, 43, 21-26, 2006. (In Turkish).
19. Adem Cicek, Mahmut D. Mat, Tankut Yalçınoz, Fahrettin Ozturk. Investigation of Wind and Solar Energy Potentials of City of Nigde. Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA) The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Kayseri Branch Machine Bulletin, 39, 28-32, 2005. (In Turkish).
Popular Magazines:
1. Elvan Ates, Oguzhan Bas, Mete Bakir, Fahrettin Ozturk, Renaissance in Aerospace Materials: Thermoplastic Composites, TÜBİTAK Science and Technology (TÜBİTAK Bilim ve Teknik), 644, 52-57, July 2021. (In Turkish).
2. Fahrettin Ozturk, Elvan Ates, Technological Transformation for the Benefit of Humanity: Society:5.0, TÜBİTAK Science and Technology (TÜBİTAK Bilim ve Teknik), 640, 30-39, March 2021. (In Turkish).
3. Fahrettin Ozturk, Industry 4. in Turkey and Aerospace Applications, TÜBİTAK Science and Technology (TÜBİTAK Bilim ve Teknik), 602, 64-73, January 2018. (In Turkish).
International Proceedings:
1. Elvan Ates, Oguzhan Bas, Mete Bakir, Fahrettin Ozturk, Development of resistance welding process for fiber-reinforced thermoplastic matrix composites: Experimental analysis and multiphysics modeling, International Metallurgy and Materials Congress-IMMC2021, Digital Platform, 10-12 June, 2021.
2. H. Mehmet Sever, Fahrettin Ozturk, Remzi Ecmel Ece, Merve Ozkutlu Demirel, Investigation of Resistance Welding Parameters for PPS Thermoplastıc Material, 2. International Scientific and Inovation Congress, 22-23 May 2021, Ankara, Turkey.
3. Sadettin Orhan, Fahrettin Ozturk, and Jabbar Gattmah, Analysis of cold rolling process with different parameters using finite element method", Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering (ICAMMEN 2018), 8-9 November 2018, Ankara, Turkey.
4. Suleyman Kilic, Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Investigation of the performances of Hu2003 yield criterion for steel, aluminum and titanium alloys, II. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress, 05-08 July 2018, Urgup, Nevsehir, Turkey. (In Turkish).
4. Suleyman Kilic, Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Investigation of the performances of the Cazacu Barlat (CB2001) yield criterion for different aluminum alloys, II. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress, 05-08 July 2018, Urgup, Nevsehir, Turkey. (In Turkish).
5. Suleyman Kilic, Ilyas Kacar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Mevlut Sahin, Oguz Erdem, Investigation of Effects of Different Pre-straining on Mechanical Properties of AA7075 Aging, The 18th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, 3-6 July 2018, Eskişehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
6. Suleyman Kilic, Fahrettin Ozturk, Oguz Erdem, Investigation of Aluminium Alloy 7075, 2nd International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2017), October 25-27, 2017, Adana, Turkey.
7. Suleyman Kilic, Fahrettin Ozturk, Performance Evaluations of Dynamic Flow Curve Models For TWIP900 Steel, 2nd International Conference on Material Science and Technology in Cappadocia (IMSTEC’17), October 11-13, 2017, Nevsehir, Turkey.
8. Murat Dilmec, Fahrettin Ozturk, Huseyin Selcuk Halkaci, Determination of Thickness Distributions of Sheet Metal Parts with 3D Scanning Method, International Symposium on 3D Printing Technologies, 3D PRINT TURKEY, 03 - 04 April 2017, İstanbul, Turkey.
9. Jabbar Gattmah, Fahrettin Ozturk, Sadettin Orhan, Effects of the semi die/plug angles on cold tube drawing with a fixed plug by FEM for AISI 1010 steel tube, 4th International Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Science (ISITES2016), November 3-5, 2016, Alanya/Antalya, Turkey.
10. Suleyman Kilic, Fahrettin Ozturk, Evaluation of mathematical models performances in XRD Analysis for determination of volumetric ratios, 1st International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress, October 26-28, 2016, Adana, Turkey.
11. Suleyman Kilic, Fahrettin Ozturk, Ilyas Kacar, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis of Erichsen Test for TWIP900 steel, 1st International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress, October 26-28, 2016, Adana, Turkey.
12. Tianye Guo, Ana Bernal, Fahrettin Ozturk, Firas Jarrar, Jamal Y. Sheikh-Ahmad, Simulation of the Manufacturing Process of Mechanically Lined CRA Pipes, 24 International Conference on Materials and Technology (24 ICM&T), September 28-30, 2016, Portoroz, Slovenia.
13. Remzi Ecmel Ece, Fahrettin Ozturk, Experimental Determination of Forming Limit Diagrams of Sheet Metal Titanium Alloys, The 17th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, July 12-July 15 2016, Bursa, Turkey. (In Turkish).
14. F Ozturk, S Toros, Determination of Anisotropy Parameters via the Optimization Process of V-Bending, ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Volume 2A: Advanced Manufacturing, November 13-19, 2015, Houston, Texas, USA.
15. Nuha Juneidi, Rania Asha, Firas Jarrar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Design of a Compact Heat Exchanger for Superplastic Forming, Advances in Materials and Processing Technology (AMPT2014), Atlantis, The Palm - November 17-20, 2014, Dubai, UAE.
16. Fahrettin Ozturk, Prediction of Forming Limit Diagram Using M-K and Swift-Hill Models via Yield Criteria for TRIP800, Advances in Materials and Processing Technology (AMPT2014), Atlantis, The Palm - November 17-20, 2014. Dubai, UAE.
17. Ilyas Kacar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Firas Jarrar, Defects and Remedies in Advanced High Strength Steels Stamping, The 16th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, June 30-July 03 2014, Izmir, Turkey.
18. Suleyman Kilic, Fahrettin Ozturk, Recent Trends of Application of Advanced High-Strength Steels in Automotive Industry to Enhance Sustainability, The 16th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, June 30-July 03 2014, Izmir, Turkey.
19. Fahrettin Ozturk, Remzi Ecmel Ece, Naki Polat, Arif Koksal, Effects of Dwelling Time, Deformation Speed, and Pre-Straining on Springback Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy, 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of MACHINES and DIES/MOLDS 20-23 JUNE 2013 Dedeman Hotel&Convention Center, Antalya, Turkey.
20. Ozgur Duygulu, Fahrettin Ozturk, Selda Ucuncuoglu, Gizem Oktay Secgin, Mustafa Yenice, Mesut Kaya, Warm Forming of Twin Roll Casted AZ31 Sheet for an Automotive Part, 9th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and their Applications, July 8th-12th, 2012, Vancouver, Canada. (Poster).
21. Aytekin Polat, Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, The effects of strain rate and temperature on thermo mechanical properties of TRIP800 steel, International Iron and Steel Symposium, April 2-4, 2012, Karabuk University, Karabuk, Turkey.
22. Serkan Toros, Fahrettin Ozturk, Prediction of Tensile Behaviors for TRIP800 Steel Using the Softening Model, International Conference on Materials Science and its Applications (ICMSA 2012), 13-15 February 2012, Taif University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
23. F. Ozturk, R.E. Ece, N. Polat, A. Koksal, Tensile Properties of Titanium Alloys at Various Strain Rates, 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of MACHINES and DIES/MOLDS 23-26 JUNE 2011, ATILIM University, Ankara, TURKEY.
24. Fahrettin Ozturk, Zafer Evis, Serkan Toros, Finite Element Simulation of Diametral Strength Test of Hydroxyapatite, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 2010, (AMPT2010), 24-27 October 2010, Paris, France.
25. Serkan Toros, Suleyman Kilic, Fahrettin Ozturk, The Effects of Material Thickness and Deformation Speed on Springback Behavior of DP600 Steel, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 2009 (AMPT2009), 26-29 October 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
26. F. Ozturk, M. A. Arslan, Analysis of Temperature Distribution on Warm Forming of Aluminum-Magnesium alloy, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 2009 (AMPT2009), 26-29 October 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
27. Fahrettin Ozturk, Naki Polat, Arif Koksal, Remzi Ecmel Ece, Effects of Warm Temperatures on Springback Behavior of Titanium Alloys, 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of MACHINES and DIES/MOLDS, 18-21 June 2009, Kuşadası, Turkey.
28. Fahrettin Ozturk, Murat Dilmec, Mevlut Turkoz, Remzi E. Ece, Huseyin S. Halkaci, Grid Marking and Measurement Methods for Sheet Metal Formability, 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of MACHINES and DIES/MOLDS, 18-21 June 2009, Kuşadası, Turkey.
29. Serkan Toros, Fahrettin Ozturk, Determination of Temperature and Strain Rate Depended Flow Stress Equation of Al-Mg Alloy, 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of MACHINES and DIES/MOLDS, 18-21 June 2009, Kuşadası, Turkey.
30. Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Suleyman Kilic, Evaluation of Tensile Properties of 5052 Type Aluminum-Magnesium Alloy at Warm Temperatures, 12th International Materials Symposium, 15-17 October 2008, Denizli, Turkey.
31. M. Alkan, F. Ozturk, S. Toros, S. Kilic, Springback Evaluation of 5052-H32 Aluminum-Magnesium Alloy, 9th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2008), September 7-11 2008, Gyeongju, Korea. (Poster).
32. F. Ozturk, S. Toros, H. Pekel, Evaluation of Tensile Properties of 5754-O Type Aluminum-Magnesium Alloy at Cold and Warm Temperatures, 9th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2008), September 7-11 2008, Gyeongju, Korea.
33. Serkan Toros, Fahrettin Ozturk, Ilyas Kacar, Review of Warm Forming of Aluminium-Magnesium Alloys. 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of MACHINES and DIES/MOLDS, 21-24 June 2007, Ceşme, Turkey.
34. Fahrettin Ozturk, Orhan Donmez, and Abdullah Sisman. Analysis of Temperature Effects on Formability of Al Alloys, Proceedings of the First Cappadocia International Mechanical Engineering Symposium, 14-16 July 2004, Nevsehir, Turkey.
National Proceedings:
1. Celal Onur Alkas, Remzi Ecmel Ece, Suleyman Cavus, Fahrettin Ozturk, Determination of Deep Drawing Limit Ratios of Axial Symmetrical Aluminum Thin Sheets by Different Pressing Methods, 8. National Aviation and Space Symposium, 9-11 September 2020, University of Turkish Aeronautical Association, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish)
2. Osman Kaygusuz, Mete Bakir, Fahrettin Ozturk, Development of Simulation and Experimental Analysis Methods for the Production of Leading Edge Aircraft Structural Parts by Thermoforming Method from Thermoplastic Composite Material with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polyphenylene Sulphide Resin, 8. National Aviation and Space Symposium, 9-11 September 2020, University of Turkish Aeronautical Association, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish)
3. Suleyman Kilic, Fahrettin Ozturk, The Future Trend of TWIP Steels In Automotive Industry, OTEKON 2016, 8th Automotive Technologies Congress, 23 - 24 May 2016, Bursa, Turkey. (In Turkish)
4. IIyas Kacar, Ismail Durgun, Fahrettin Ozturk, The Effects of Vehicle Weight Reduction On Transportation CO2 Emission, OTEKON 2016, 8th Automotive Technologies Congress, 23 - 24 May 2016, Bursa, Turkey. (In Turkish)
5. Ilyas Kacar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Roll Forming Applications for Automotive Industry, OTEKON 2014, 7th Automotive Technologies Congress, 26 - 27 May 2014, Bursa, Turkey.
6. Mesut Kaya, Fahrettin Ozturk, Selda Uçuncuoglu, Gizem Oktay Seçgin, Ozgur Duygulu, Mustafa Mucahit Yenice, Investigation of Manufacturing Torpedo Traverse Pipe From AZ31 Sheet Material, OTEKON 2012, 6th Automotive Technologies Congress, 04 - 05 June 2012, Bursa, Turkey.
7. Fahrettin Ozturk, Mesut Kaya, M. Mucahit Yenice, Investigation of Hot Formability for AZ31 Sheets, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA) The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Bursa Branch. XII. Automotive and Manufacturing Technologies Symposium, 13-14 May 2011, Bursa, Turkey. (In Turkish)
8. Emrah Uysal, Fahrettin Ozturk, An Application of Forming Limit Diagram Determination for High Strength Steel, Design-Manufacturing-Analysis Congress and CAD-CAM Days 2010 (TİMAK2010), Balıkesir, 11-12 November 2010. (In Turkish)
9. Remzi Ecmel Ece, Fahrettin Ozturk, Investigation of the Use of Electrical Resistance Heating Method for Hot Sheet Metal Forming Application, Design-Manufacturing-Analysis Congress and CAD-CAM Days 2010 (TİMAK2010), Balıkesir, 11-12 November 2010. (In Turkish)
10. Hasan Demirtas, Fahrettin Ozturk, Mahmut Alkan, Investigation of the Effect of Interrupted Aging on Mechanical Properties for 6061 Alloy, 4. Aluminum Symposium, 14-16 October 2009, İstanbul, Turkey. (In Turkish)
11. Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, R. Ecmel Ece, Emre Esener, The Effect of Pre-Straining on Springback for 5083-H111 Alloy, 4. Aluminum Symposium. 14-16 October 2009, İstanbul, Turkey. (In Turkish)
12. Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Emre Esener, Emrah Uysal, Investigation of High Strength Steels Usage in Automotive Industry, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA) The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Bursa Branch, XI. Automotive Symposium, 8-9 May 2009, Bursa, Turkey. (In Turkish)
13. Fahrettin Ozturk, Hakan Pekel, Lightweight Materials Usage and Development in Turkey, Çukurova University, 30th Year Symposia, 16-17 October 2008. (In Turkish)
14. Fahrettin Ozturk, Serkan Toros, Suleyman Kılıc, M. Hakan Baş, Variation of Springback with Temperature for 5083-H111 Aluminum Magnesium Alloy, Çukurova University, 30th Year Symposia, 16-17 October 2008. (In Turkish)
15. Fahrettin Ozturk, Determination of Forming Limit Diagrams of 5754-H40 Type Aluminum Alloy Using Analytical Models, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA), The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Konya Branch, IV. Machine Design and Manufacturing Technologies Congress, 24-25 November 2007, Konya, Turkey. (In Turkish)
16. Ahu Fahriye Acar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Mustafa Bayrak, Investigation of Defects on Ring Carrier of Diesel Engine Piston in Manufacturing, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA), The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Konya Branch, IV. Machine Design and Manufacturing Technologies Congress, 24-25 November 2007, Konya, Turkey. (In Turkish)
17. Hakan Pekel, Fahrettin Ozturk, Investigation of the Effect of Research and Development (R&D) Activities for Gaining Quality in Aluminum Sector, III. Aluminum Symposium, 16-17 November 2007, Tüsside-Gebze, Turkey. (In Turkish)
18. Hakan Pekel, Fahrettin Ozturk, Investigation of the Effect of Lubrication on Formability of Aluminum Sheet Metal Forming, III. Aluminum Symposium, 16-17 November 2007, Tüsside-Gebze, Turkey. (In Turkish)
19. Fahrettin Ozturk, Zafer Evis, Serkan Toros, Finite Element Simulation of Diametral Strength Test of Hydroxyapatite, 5. Turkey SIMULIA Abaqus User Conference, 8-9 November 2007, İstanbul, Turkey. (In Turkish)
20. Hakan Pekel, Fahrettin Ozturk, Investigation of Hydroforming in Automotive Industry, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA), The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Bursa Branch, X. Automotive and Supplier Industry Symposium, 25-26 May 2007, Bursa, Turkey. (In Turkish)
21. Serkan Toros, Fahrettin Ozturk, Aluminum-Magnesium Alloys in Automotive Industry and Investigation of Their Formability, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA), The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Bursa Branch, X. Automotive and Supplier Industry Symposium. 25-26 May 2007, Bursa, Turkey. (In Turkish)
22. Ilyas Kacar, Mehmet Zile, Fahrettin Ozturk, Magnesium Alloys in Aerospace Industry, I. National Aviation and Space Symposium, 21-23 September 2006, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish)
23. Bulent Uzun, Fahrettin Ozturk, Progress in War Planes and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, VI. Aviation Symposium, 12-14 May 2006, Nevşehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
24. Mesut Demirkirdi, Ilyas Kacar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Recent Developments in Engineering Applications Using Nano Technology, VI. GAP Engineering Congress. 26-28 April 2006, Şanlıurfa, Turkey. (In Turkish)
25. Ilyas Kacar, Fahrettin Ozturk, Recent Developments in Magnesium Alloys Formability. TİMAK-Design, Manufacturing, Analysis Congress, 26-28 April 2006, Balıkesir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
26. Fahrettin Ozturk, Mahmut Alkan, S. Tan Akdogan, Zafer Yilmaz, Aziz Aydinc, Songul Citci, Long Term Internship in Engineering Education - University-Industry Relationship for Graduate Studies, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA), The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Ankara Branch, Engineering Education Symposium, 17-18 November 2005, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish)
27. Fahrettin Ozturk, Orhan Donmez, The Effect of Deformation Speed on Formability for 5xxx Series Aluminum Alloys, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA), The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Konya Branch, III, Machine Design and Manufacturing Technologies Congress. 16-17 September 2005, Konya, Turkey. (In Turkish)
28. Fahrettin Ozturk, Mahmut Alkan, S. Tan Akdogan, Zafer Yilmaz, Aziz Aydinc, Songul Citci, Investigation of the Relationship between University and Automotive Suppliers, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA), The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Bursa Branch, IX. Automotive and Supplier Industry Symposium, 27-28 May 2005, Bursa, Turkey. (In Turkish)
Undergraduate Level:
Computer Aided Drawing, Engineering Statics, Mechanics of Materials, Materials Science I, II, Introduction to Manufacturing Processes, Manufacturing Engineering, Machine Elements I, II, Introduction to Finite Element Analysis.
Graduate Level:
Advanced Mechanics of Materials, Mechanical Behaviors of Materials, Continuum Mechanics.
1. “Finite Element Analysis of Mechanically Sleeved CRA Pipes for Oil and Gas Pipelines” funded by the Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi, UAE, Project Code: 15323, Budget: 160000 Dirham ($43559), January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015. (Principal Investigator).
2. “Superplastic Materials for Compact Heat Exchangers in the Oil and Gas Industry” (Co-investigator) funded by the Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi, UAE, Project Code: 15325, Budget: 169750 Dirham ($46213), January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015. (Co- Investigator).
3. “Prediction of Forming Limit Diagram Using Improved Analytical Model” funded by the Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi, UAE, Project Code: 61210, Budget: 70000 Dirham ($19061), January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012. (Principal Investigator).
4. “Investigation of Effect of Deformation Speed on Formability for Dual Phase Steel” funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Project No: 109M032, Budget: 24,900 TL, August 1, 2009 - February 1, 2010. (Principal Investigator).
5. “Investigation of Using Biaxial Stretch Test Data for Finite Element Codes of Sheet Metal Forming” funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Project No: 107M596, Budget: 226,730 YTL, February 1, 2008 - February 1, 2010. (Principal Investigator).
6. “Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of the Effects of Temperature and Deformation Speed on Formability” funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Project No: 106M058, Budget: 225,100 YTL, August 1, 2006 - August 1, 2008. (Principal Investigator).
Project Supervisor:
1. Coşkunöz R&D, “Manufacturing of Torpedo Traverse Parts by Magnesium Sheet Metals” funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Project No: TEYDEB-3100006 (2010-2011).
2. "Adding drawbead to the blank holder for enhancing formability of aluminum alloy sheets with hydroforming process", funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Project No: 108M516, Budget: 251563 TL ($142206) (2008-2011)
3. Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI), "Investigation of the Effects Pre-straining and Temperature on Formability of Titanium Alloy", funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Project No: TEYDEB-3080514 (2008-2010).
4. "Surface Modification and Hardening of Metals by Electrolytic Plasma Process", funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Project No: 105M184, Budget: 216420 TL ($122340), (2006-2008).
Ph.D. Thesis:
1. Experimental and Finite Element Analysis of Residual Stresses in Cold Tube Drawing with a Fixed Mandrel for AISI1010 Steel by Jabbar Kasim Jabbar Gattmah, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey, May 2017. (Co-Advisor).
2. Investigating the Effects of Twinning Mechanism on the Mechanical Properties of TWIP Steel by Suleyman Kilic, Nigde University, Nigde, Turkey, April 2016.
3. Investigation of Formability and Modeling of TRIP800 Steel at Different Deformation Speed by Serkan Toros, Nigde University, Nigde, Turkey, August 2013.
4. Effect of Sheet Thickness on Forming Limit Curve of 2024-T4 Aluminum by Murat Dilmec, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey, January 2012. (Co-Advisor).
M.Sc. Thesis:
1. Finite Element Analysis of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites by Osman Atalay, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey, March 2021.
2. Numerical and Experimental Comparison of Fractural Characteristics of 316L Stainless Steel by Yalçın Tamer, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey, August 2019.
3. Buckling and Fatigue Analysis of Mechanically Lined CRA Pipes by Jiansha Dong, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2016.
4. Effect of Cooling Methods on Weld Quality in Friction Stir Welding of AA2024-T351 by Marvene Xavier Fernandes, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 2016. (Co-Advisor).
5. Evaluation of the Gripping Force of Mechanically Lined CRA Pipe by Tianye Guo, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 2016.
6. Design, Fabrication, and Commissioning of Apparatus for Superplastic Forming Tests by Zemin Li, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE, May 2016. (Co-Advisor).
7. Formability Improvement of Titanium Sheet Materials with Electrical Heating Method by Remzi Ecmel Ece, Nigde University, Nigde, May 2011.
8. Investigation of Forming Limit Diagram for DP600 Steels Based on Deformation Speed and Sheet Thickness, by Emrah Uysal, Nigde University, Nigde, May 2011.
9. Investigation of Using Biaxial Stretch Test Data for Finite Element Codes of Sheet Metal Forming by Emre Esener, Nigde University, Nigde, June 2010.
10. Modeling of mechanical behaviors of aluminum-magnesium (Al-Mg) alloys at various temperatures and deformation speeds by Serkan Toros, Nigde University, Nigde, July 2009.
11. Investigation of Springback Behavior of DP600 Steel by Suleyman Kilic, Nigde University, Nigde, July 2009.
12. Effects of Temperature and Tensile Velocity on Sheet Metal Formability of AA 5754-O by Hakan Pekel, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey, February 2008. (Co-Advisor).
13. Design and Manufacturing of Canopy for T-37 Aircraft by Bulent Uzun, Nigde University, Nigde, Turkey, April 2006.
Editorial Board:
1. The "Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Science" (APJES) ISSN: 2147-4575.
2. Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (SUJEST).
Invited Speakers (Keynote Speech):
1. Finite Element Analysis of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites by Osman Atalay, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey, March 2021.
2. Numerical and Experimental Comparison of Fractural Characteristics of 316L Stainless Steel by Yalçın Tamer, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey, August 2019.
3. Buckling and Fatigue Analysis of Mechanically Lined CRA Pipes by Jiansha Dong, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2016.
4. Effect of Cooling Methods on Weld Quality in Friction Stir Welding of AA2024-T351 by Marvene Xavier Fernandes, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 2016. (Co-Advisor).
5. Evaluation of the Gripping Force of Mechanically Lined CRA Pipe by Tianye Guo, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 2016.
6. Design, Fabrication, and Commissioning of Apparatus for Superplastic Forming Tests by Zemin Li, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE, May 2016. (Co-Advisor).
7. Formability Improvement of Titanium Sheet Materials with Electrical Heating Method by Remzi Ecmel Ece, Nigde University, Nigde, May 2011.
8. Investigation of Forming Limit Diagram for DP600 Steels Based on Deformation Speed and Sheet Thickness, by Emrah Uysal, Nigde University, Nigde, May 2011.
9. Investigation of Using Biaxial Stretch Test Data for Finite Element Codes of Sheet Metal Forming by Emre Esener, Nigde University, Nigde, June 2010.
10. Modeling of mechanical behaviors of aluminum-magnesium (Al-Mg) alloys at various temperatures and deformation speeds by Serkan Toros, Nigde University, Nigde, July 2009.
11. Investigation of Springback Behavior of DP600 Steel by Suleyman Kilic, Nigde University, Nigde, July 2009.
12. Effects of Temperature and Tensile Velocity on Sheet Metal Formability of AA 5754-O by Hakan Pekel, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey, February 2008. (Co-Advisor).
13. Design and Manufacturing of Canopy for T-37 Aircraft by Bulent Uzun, Nigde University, Nigde, Turkey, April 2006.
Conference Scientific Committee Members:
CMES-04 (Organizing Committee Member), AMPT2010, IISS12, ISITES2012, ICTP2014, AMPT2014, ISITES2014, ISITES2015, ISITES2016, ICTP2017, Metal Forming 2018, UMTIK 2018, ICAFT2018, ISCES 2020.
Reviewer of Journals:
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Materials and Design, Materials Science Engineering A, International Journal of Material Forming, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (ASME), Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ASME), Computational Materials Science, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Steel Research International, The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, International Journal of Vehicle Design, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, Advances in Engineering Software, Ceramics International, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, Advances in Applied Ceramics: Structural, Functional and Bioceramics, Scientia Iranica, Journal of Modern Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Erciyes University, Cukurova University, TUBAV Journal of Science, Engineer and Machine, Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Nigde University Engineering Science Journal, Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM), MATIM, Gazi Journal of Polytechnic, Advanced Materials Research, Bitlis Eren University Journal of Science and Technology.
Reviewer of Book Chapter:
ASM Handbook Vol. 4A, Steel Heat Treating Fundamental and Processes.
Reviewer of International Proceedings:
ASME MSEC2006, ASME ESDA2010, ICTP2011, AMPT2011, AMPT2012, ADME2012, ICTP 2014, UMTIK 2016, ICTP 2017.
Reviewer of Project Proposals:
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Technology Development Foundation of Turkey, Boren, Nigde University, Celal Bayar University
Site Evaluator of Project Progresses:
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Ministry of Industry and Commerce
Panelist of Project Proposals:
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
External Reviewer of Projects:
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Memberships of Scientific Organizations:
UCTEA Chamber of Mechanical Engineers
Reading, Skiing, Swimming, Scuba Diving, Sightseeing, and Travelling