Yunus Eren Kalay
Address: Middle East Technical University
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
D-205 06800 Ankara, Turkey
Telephone: +90 (312) 210 4184
Fax: +90 (312) 210 4184
Nationality: Turkish

Dates (from – to)
2020 – to date
Name and address of employer
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Type of business or sector
Higher Education
Occupation or position held
Dates (from – to)
2014 – to date
Name and address of employer
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Type of business or sector
Higher Education
Occupation or position held
Associate Professor
Dates (from – to)
2011 – 2014
Name and address of employer
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Type of business or sector
Higher Education
Occupation or position held
Assistant Professor
Dates (from – to)
2009 – 2010
Name and address of employer
Ames Laboratory, Ames, IA, USA
Type of business or sector
Higher Education
Occupation or position held
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dates (from – to)
2004 – 2009
Name and address of employer
Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA
Type of business or sector
Higher Education
Occupation or position held
Teaching/Research Assistant
Dates (from – to)
2001 – 2004
Name and address of employer
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Type of business or sector
Higher Education
Occupation or position held
Teaching/Research Assistant
Dates (from – to)
2004 – 2009
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Middle East Technical University
Principal subjects/occupational
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Title of qualification awarded
Dates (from – to)
2001 – 2003
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Middle East Technical University
Principal subjects/occupational
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Title of qualification awarded
Dates (from – to)
1997 – 2001
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Middle East Technical University
Principal subjects/occupational
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Title of qualification awarded
Reading skills
Writing skills
Verbal skills
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.
I am experienced in working in several multinational research groups in Iowa State University,
Ames Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory, USA.
Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.
Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.
1. Founder Editor of Turkey’s first undergraduate research journal, MATTER
( )
2. Organization of several “Materials Science Camps” for K12 students. ( )
3. Founder director of “METU Science Communication Office”, 2017-to date, ( )
4. Director of METU Community and Science Research and Application Center, 2017-to date, ( )
5. Assistant to the University President in Public Relations and Citizen’s Science (2016-to date)
6. Active member of “Materials Characterization Committee” of TMS.
7. Organization Committee Member, 17th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress- IMMC2014, Istanbul, Turkey (
8. Organization Committee Member, 22nd National Electron Microscopy Congress, Istanbul, Turkey ( )
9. Organization Committee Member, “3rd International Workshop of In-situ Studies with Photons, Neutrons & Electrons Scattering” symposium at MS&T 2016, Salt Lake City, USA.
10. Organization Committee Member, “Materials Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Material” symposium at TMS 2017, TMS 2018, TMS 2019, and TMS 2020, USA.
11. JOM Guest Editor: Additive Manufacturing; Ceramics; Characterization; Composites; Innovation, 2020.
2. Organization of several “Materials Science Camps” for K12 students. ( )
3. Founder director of “METU Science Communication Office”, 2017-to date, ( )
4. Director of METU Community and Science Research and Application Center, 2017-to date, ( )
5. Assistant to the University President in Public Relations and Citizen’s Science (2016-to date)
6. Active member of “Materials Characterization Committee” of TMS.
7. Organization Committee Member, 17th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress- IMMC2014, Istanbul, Turkey (
8. Organization Committee Member, 22nd National Electron Microscopy Congress, Istanbul, Turkey ( )
9. Organization Committee Member, “3rd International Workshop of In-situ Studies with Photons, Neutrons & Electrons Scattering” symposium at MS&T 2016, Salt Lake City, USA.
10. Organization Committee Member, “Materials Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Material” symposium at TMS 2017, TMS 2018, TMS 2019, and TMS 2020, USA.
11. JOM Guest Editor: Additive Manufacturing; Ceramics; Characterization; Composites; Innovation, 2020.
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.
Scanning and transmission electron microscopy techniques, electron and X-ray spectroscopy,
application of synchrotron X-ray scattering in materials research (in-situ phase transformations),
rapid solidification of metallic alloys, microstructural evolution in metallic alloys, lead-free
solders, electronic packaging, nanostructured and amorphous alloys, high entropy alloys.
Competences not mentioned above.
Competences not mentioned above.
1. O. Meydanoglu, O. Birbaşar, A. Ulus, B. Beyhan,Y.E. Kalay, “Effect of Cu Addition on
the Microstructural Constituents and Mechanical Properties of Twin Roll Cast AlFeMnSi
Alloys”, Light Metals 2015, Book Ed. by Margaret Hyland 1249-1254, 2015. 2. C. Okuyucu, B. Kaygusuz, C. Işıksaçan, O. Meydanoğlu, A. Motallebzadeh, S. Özerinç, Y.E.Kalay, “Al-Sm Alloys Under Far-From-Equilibrium Conditions”, Minerals, Metals and Materials Series, Volume 6, Pages 85 – 912021, 2021. |
1. T.H. Ulucan, İ. Kalay, Y.E. Kalay, “The Anomalous Nucleation in Al-Tb Metallic Glasses”,
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science,
52(2), pp. 700–710, 2021. 2. O. Temel, Y.E. Kalay, T Akın, “Wafer-Level Lowerature Solid-Liquid Inter-Diffusion Bonding with Thin Au-Sn Layers for MEMS Encapsulation”, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 30(1), pp. 64–71, 9284483, 2021. 3. M. Tekin, G.Polat, Y. E. Kalay, HasanKotan, “Grain size stabilization of oxide dispersion strengthened CoCrFeNi-Y2O3 high entropy alloys synthesized by mechanical alloying”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 887, 161363, 2021. 4. S. Koylan, S. Tunca, Gökhan Polat, M. B. Durukan, D. Kim, Y. E. Kalay, S. H. Ko, H. E. Ünalan, “Highly stable silver–platinum core–shell nanowires for H2O2 detection”, Nanoscale, DOI: 10.1039/d1nr01976g, in press, 2021. 5. G. Polat, Z.A. Erdal, Y. E. Kalay, “Design of Novel Non-equiatomic Cu-Ni-Al-Ti Composite Medium-Entropy Alloys”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 29(5), 2898- 2908, 2020. 6. F.Sıkan, G.Polat, İ. Kalay, Y.E.Kalay, “Effect of Sm on Crystallization Kinetics of CuZr- Al Metallic Glasses”, Thermochimica Acta, 683, 178439, 2020. 7. D. Sarı, B. Yaşar, F. Pişkin, Y.E. Kalay, T. Öztürk, “Segregation Resistant Nanocrystalline/Amorphous (La,Sr)Coo- (La,Sr)Coo Composite Cathodes for ITSOFCS”, Journal Of The Electrochemical Society, 166, 1157-1163, 2019. 8. F. Sıkan, S.E. Atabay, A. Motallebzadeh, S. Özerinç, İ. Kalay, Y.E. Kalay, “Effect of Sm On Thermal and Mechanical Properties Of Cu-Zr-Al Bulk Metallic Glasses”, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 743, 168-174, 2019. 9. A.M. Genç, Ö. Acar, S. Turan, İ. Kalay, U. Savacı, Y.E. Kalay, “Investigation of Phase Selection Hierarchy In Mn– Al Alloys”, Intermetallics, 115, 106617, 2019. 10. D. Sarı, F. Piskin, Z.Ç. Torunoğlu, B. Yaşar, Y.E.Kalay, T. Öztürk, “Combinatorial Development of Nanocrystalline/amorphous (La,Sr)CoO3-(La,Sr)2CoO4 Composite Cathodes for IT-SOFCs”, Solid State Ionics, 326, 124-130, 2018. 11. Z.Ç. Torunoğlu, D. Sarı, O. Demircan, Y.E. Kalay, T. Öztürk, Y. Kuru, “One Pot Synthesis of (La,Sr)CoO3/(La,Sr)2CoO4 for IT-SOFCs Cathodes”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43, 18642-18649, 2018. 12. R. Bahariqushchi, R. Raciti, A.E. Kasapoglu, E. Gür, M. Sezen, Y.E. Kalay, S. Mirabella, A. Aydinli, “Stress Evolution of Ge Nanocrystals in Dielectric Matrices”, Nanotechnology, 29, 18, 2018. 13. B. Yasar, Y. Ergunt, M.P. Kabukcuoglu, M. Parlak, R. Turan, Y.E. Kalay, “HRTEM Analysis of Crystallographic Defects in CdZnTe Single Crystal, Journal of Electronic Materials”, 47, 778-784, 2018. 14. M. Ahmadi, Y. Karpat, Ö. Acar, Y.E. Kalay, “Microstructure Effects on Process Outputs in Micro Scale Milling of Heat Treated Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloys”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 252, 333-347, 2018. 15. D. Sarı, Z.Ç. Torunoğlu, Y.E: Kalay, T. Öztürk, “Preparation of La0.8Sr0.2CoO3delta sputtering targets using a deformable compaction die”, Ceramics International, 43, 15185-15188, 2017. 16. C. Yıldırım, M. Kutsal, R. Ott, M.F. Besser, M.J. Kramer, Y.E. Kalay, “The role of amorphous precursor in phase selection hierarchy in marginal metallic glasses”, Materials & Design, 112, 479-484, 2016. 17. G. Tan, Y.E. Kalay, C.H. Gür, “Long-term thermal stability of Equal Channel Angular Pressed 2024 aluminum alloy”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 677, 307-315, 2016. 18. A.M. Genc, M.V. Akdeniz, T. Öztürk, Y.E. Kalay, “Synthesis of AlNiCo core/shell nanopowders”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 417, 112-116, 5 2016. 19. R. Yüksel, S. Coskun, Y.E. Kalay, H.E. Unalan, “Flexible, silver nanowire network nickel hydroxide core-shell electrodes for supercapacitors”, Journal of Power Sources 328, 167-173, 2016. 20. D. Kapusuz, Y.E. Kalay, J. Park, A. Ozturk, “Synthesis and characterization of hydrothermally grown potassium titanate nanowires”, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, 16, 1-7, 2015. 21. T. Cullinan, I. Kalay, Y.E. Kalay, M.J. Kramer, R.E. Napolitano “Kinetics and Mechanisms of Isothermal Devitrification in Amorphous Cu50Zr50”, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, 46, 600-613, 2015. 22. M. Ovun, M.J. Kramer, Y.E. Kalay, “Structural modeling of liquid and amorphous Al91Tb9 by Monte Carlo simulations”, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 405, 27-32, 2014. 23. Z. Say, M. Dogac, E.I. Vovk, Y.E. Kalay, C.H. Kim, W.L. Li, E. Ozensoy, “Palladium doped Perovskite-Based NO Oxidation Catalysts: The Role of Pd and B-sites for NOx Adsorption Behavior via in-situ Spectroscopy”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 154-155, 51- 61, 2014. 24. B. Aksoy, Y.E. Kalay, H.E. Unalan, “Germanium Nanowire Synthesis Using Solid Precursors”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 392, 20-29, 2014. 25. Baskan M., Chumbley S.L., Y.E. Kalay, “Embrittlement in CN3MN Grade Superaustenitic Stainless Steel”, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, 45(5), 2405-2411, 2014. 26. A.Kantarcioglu, Y.E. Kalay, “Effects of Al and Fe additions on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of SnAgCu Eutectic Lead-free Solders”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 593, 79-84, 2014. 27. T. Demirtas, Y.E. Kalay, “Kinetics of fcc-Al Nanocrystallization in Al90Tb10 Metallic Glass”, Journal of Non- Crystalline Solids, 378, 71-78, 2013. 28. G. Kotan, E. Tan, Y.E. Kalay, C.H. Gur, “Homogenization of Ecaped Al 2024 Through Age Hardening”, Materials Scince and Engineering A, 559, 601-606, 2013. 29. J. Hwang, Z.H. Melgarejo, Y.E. Kalay, I. Kalay, M.J. Kramer, D.S. Stone, P.M. Voyles, “Nanoscale Structure and Structural Relaxation in Zr50Cu45Al5 Bulk Metallic Glass", Physical Review Letters, 108, 195505, 2012. 30. M.C. Akgun, Y.E. Kalay, H.E. Unalan, “Hydrothermal Zinc Oxide Nanowire Growth Using Zinc Acetate Dihydrate Salt", Journal of Materials Research, 27, 1445-1451, 2012. 31. S. Galioglu, M. Zahmakiran, Y.E. Kalay, S. Ozkar, B. Akata, “Effect of Silver Encapsulation on the Local Structure of Titanosilicate", Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 159, 1- 8, 2012. 32. Y.E. Kalay, I. Kalay, J. Hwang, P.M. Voyles, M.J. Kramer, “Local Chemical and Topological Order in Al-Tb and its Role in Controlling Nanocrystal Formation”, Acta Materialia, 60(3), 994-1003, 2012. 33. N. Wang, Y.E. Kalay, R. Trivedi, “Eutectic to Metallic Glass Transition in the Al-Sm System”, Acta Materialia, 59, 6604-6619, 2011. 34. Y.E. Kalay, C. Yeager, L.S. Chumbley, M.J. Kramer, I.E. Anderson, “Initial Crystallization in a Nanostructure Al-Sm Rare Earth Alloy”, Journal of NonCrystalline Solids, 356, 1416-1424, 2010. 35. Y.E. Kalay, L.S. Chumbley, M.J. Kramer, I.E. Anderson, “Local Structure in Marginal Glass Forming Al-Sm Alloy”, Intermetallics, 18, 1676- 1682, 2010. 36. Y. Yusufoğlu, Y. Hu, M. Kanapathipillai, M.J. Kramer, Y.E. Kalay, P.Thiyagarajan, M. Akınç, K. Schmidt-Rohr, and S. Mallapragada, “Bioinspired Synthesis of SelfAssembled Calcium Phosphate Nanocomposites Using Block Copolymer-Peptide Conjugates”, Journal of Materials Research, 23, 3196-3212, 2008. 37. M. Kanapathipillai, Y. Yusufoğlu, A. Rawal, Y.Y. Hu, C.T. Lo, P. Thiyagarajan, Y.E. Kalay, M. Akınç, S. Mallapragada, and K. Schmidt-Rohr, “Synthesis and Characterization of Ionic Block Copolymer Templated Calcium Phosphate Nanocomposites”, Chemistry of Materials, 20 (18), 5922-5932, 2008. 38. Y.E. Kalay, L.S. Chumbley, and I.E. Anderson, “Crystallization Behavior in Highly Driven Marginal Glass Forming Alloy”, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, volume 354, 3040- 3048, 2008. 39. Y.E. Kalay, L.S. Chumbley, and I.E. Anderson, “Characterization of a Marginal Glass Former Alloy Solidified in Gas Atomized Powders”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 490, 72-80, 2008. 40. Y.E. Kalay, L.S. Chumbley, I.E. Anderson, and R.E. Napolitano, “ Characterization of Hypereutectic Al-Si Powders Solidified Far-From-Equilibrium Conditions”, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, volume 38, 1452-1457, 2007. |
1. Y. Ergunt, M. P. Kabukcuoglu, Ö. B. Balbasi, B. Yasar, Y. E. Kalay, M. Parlak, R. Turan,
“CdZnTe Bulk-Crystal Growth And Surface Processing Technology At METU-CGL”, RAP
Conference Proceedings, 4, 167–171, 2019. 2. G. Polat, A. Erdal, Y.E. Kalay, “Design, Production and Characterization of AlTiVMnSix(x=0.25, 0.50) Low Density High Entropy Alloys(LDHEAs)”, 19th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, 115-118, 2018. 3. A. Erdal, G.P. Polat, Y.E. Kalay, “Mechanical Properties of FeCoCrNi High Entropy Alloy (HEA) Produced from Industrial Raw Materials by Induction Melting”, 19th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, 2018. 4. S. Özerinç, M. Abboud, A. Motallebzadeh, Y. E. Kalay, “Advanced Micromechanical Characterization Techniques for Understanding Materials Behavior at the Nanoscale”, 19th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, 602-604, 2018. 5. F. Sıkan, İ. Kalay, Y.E: Kalay, “Sm Microalloyed Cu-Zr-Al Bulk Metallic Glasses”, 18th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, 424-427, 2016. 6. E. C. Demir, M. Torunbalcı, İ. Donmez, Y.E. Kalay, A. Tayfun, “Fabrication and characterization of gold-tin eutectic bonding for hermetic packaging of MEMS devices”, 2014 IEEE 16th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), 14902293, 2014. 7. Z. H. Melgarejo, J.E. Jakes, J. Hwang, Y.E. Kalay, M.J. Kramer, P.M. Voyles, D.S. Stone, “Variation of hardness and modulus across the thickness of Zr-Cu-Al metallic glass ribbons”, mrsf12-1520-nn10-06, MRS, 2013. 8. G. Kotan, E. Tan, Y.E Kalay, C. Hakan Gür, “Invesitigation of the Precipitation Mechanism in the Severly Deformed and Aged 2024 Al-Alloy”, 16th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, 1203-1210, 2012. 9. J. Hwang, Y.E. Kalay, M.J. Kramer, P.M. Voyles, "Angular Correlations in Coherent Electron Nanodiffraction of a Metallic Glass", Microscopy and Microanalysis, 17, 1110- 1111, 2011. 10. R. Trivedi, N. Wang, Y.E. Kalay, J.H. Lee, M.J. Kramer, "Eutectic to Metallic Glass Transition at Large Undercoolings", Solidification Science and Tech., 205-217, 2011. 11. Y.E. Kalay, L.S. Chumbley, I.E. Anderson, “ Microstructure hierarchy - Mechanical property relationship for hypereutectic Al-Si alloy powders solidified far from equilibrium”, Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, PowderMet., 1095-10105, 2006. |
1. PI: Yunus Eren Kalay “Metallic Glass/Nanocrystal Composites (FA9550-20-1-0261)”,
US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), 2020-2023, Budget: 410.000
Dollar. 2. PI: Yunus Eren Kalay “The Local Structure and Chemistry in Marginal Glass Forming Alloys (FA9550-17-1-0216)”, US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), 2016-2020, Budget: 106.662 Dollar. 3. PI: Yunus Eren Kalay “Development of Wafer Level Packaging Techniques Compatible with Microbolometer Type Uncooled Infrared Detector Arrays (115E060)”, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey TÜBİTAK 1003, 2016-2018, Budget: 2.070.140 TL. 4. PI: Yunus Eren Kalay “Development of High Strength Lightweight High Entropy Alloys (216M058)”, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey TÜBİTAK 1001, 2017-2020, Budget: 374.700 TL . 5. PI: Yunus Eren Kalay “The Production of Al based Metallic Glass/Nanocrystalline Composites (113M346)”, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey TÜBİTAK 3501, 2013-2015, Budget: 135.000 TL. 6. Co-PI: Yunus Eren Kalay “Development and additive manufacturing of refractory high entropy alloys for extreme environment applications (118C239)”, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey TÜBİTAK BİDEB- 2232, 2020-2023. 7. Co-PI: Yunus Eren Kalay “Development of Interface Controlled Materials for Metal Hydride Coupled Solid Oxide Cells (114M128), NEW INDIGO ERA-NET, 2014-2018, Budget: 120.000 Dollar |