Elmas Salamcı

Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Address: Gazi University, Faculty of Engineering, Maltepe, Ankara, Turkey
E-mail: esalamci@gazi.edu.tr
Nationality: Turkish


Dates (from – to)
2018 –to date
Name and address of employer
Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
Type of business or sector
Higher Education and Research
Occupation or position held
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Main activities and responsibilities
Research and teaching

Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
Type of business or sector
Higher Education and Research
Occupation or position held
Assist. Prof. Dr.
Main activities and responsibilities
Research and teaching

Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Zonguldak, Turkey
Type of business or sector
Higher Education and Research
Occupation or position held
Assist. Prof. Dr.
Main activities and responsibilities
Research and teaching

Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Zonguldak, Turkey
Type of business or sector
Higher Education and Research
Occupation or position held
Research Assistant
Main activities and responsibilities
Research and teaching


Dates (from – to)
Name and type of organization providing education and training
University of Leeds, UK
Principal subjects/occupational
School of Materials
Title of qualification awarded

Dates (from – to)
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Metallurgical Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul/Turkey
Principal subjects/occupational
Metallurgical Engineering
Title of qualification awarded



Reading skills
Writing skills
Verbal skills

Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.
I am experienced in working in a joint research project with Bulgarian Academy of Science.

Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.
Head of Department , Zonguldak Karaelmas University

With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.
Scanning and transmission electron microscopy techniques, spray casting, composite materials production techniques, dual phase steels, corrosion, powder metallurgy, microstructural and mechanical evolution in metallic alloys and composite materials

Competences not mentioned above.



ARTICLES IN PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS 1 ÖZDEMİR BUSE, SALAMCI ELMAS, KULOĞLU MUSTAFA, ATEŞ AHMET MUAZ , (2020), Comparison of radome sandwich composite structures with finite element method, Materials today: proceedings , in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.03.800

2. KHAKZAD FARNOUD, TÜZEMEN MEHMET ÇAĞRI , SALAMCI ELMAS, ANIL ÖZGÜR, (2019), The effects on the flexural strength and impact behavior of nanographene ratio of the glass fiber nanocomposite plates, Polymer Engineering and Science, 59(10), 2082-2091, DOI: 10.1002/pen.25209

3. TÜZEMEN MEHMET ÇAĞRI,SALAMCI ELMAS,AVCI AHMET (2017). Enhancing mechanical properties of bolted carbon/epoxy nanocomposites with carbon nanotube, nanoclay, and hybrid loading. Composites Part B : Engineering , 128 , 146 - 154.,Do i :10.1016 / j.compositesb.2017.07001

4. SAATCI TUTKU, SALAMCI ELMAS (2017). Effect of microstructure on high cycle fatigue behavior of high martensitic dual phase steels. Materials Testing, 59(4), 315-322., Doi: 10.3139/120.111004

5. SAATCI TUTKU, SALAMCI ELMAS (2017). The effect of microstructure on tensile strength of high martensite dual-phase steels. Metallic Materials, 55(05), 333-342., Doi:10.4149/km_2017_5_333

6. SALAMCI ELMAS, CANDAN ŞENNUR,KABAKCI FİKRET (2017). Effect of microstructure on corrosion behavior of dual-phase steels. Metallic Materials, 55(02), 133-139., Doi:10.4149/km_2017_2_133

7. GIDIKOVA NELLY, VALOV RADOSLAV,PETKOV VLADIMIR , SALAMCI ELMAS, BİLGİLİ EMİNE ZEYNEP, ÜNAL RAHMİ (2017). Electrolyte coatings of chromium with nanodiamonds on sintered steels. Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa, 57(4), 333-336 .Doi:10.7356/iod.2017.34

8. GIDIKOVA NELLY, SALAMCI ELMAS, VALOV RADOSLAV, PETKOV VLADIMIR, ÜNAL RAHMİ. Effect of Nanodiamonds Modificationof Chromium Coating on Sintered Ferrous Materials. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 25(2), 80-85.

9. BİLGİLİ EMİNE ZEYNEP,SALAMCI ELMAS,ASAN ABDURRAHMAN,ÜNAL RAHMİ,VALOV RADOSLAV (2016). Investigation of corrosion behaviour of porous powder metallurgy parts electrochemically coated with diamond nano particles modified chromium. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University , 31(3), 579-587., Doi: 10.17341/gummfd.07837

10. TÜZEMEN MEHMET ÇAĞRI, AĞAOĞLU MEHMET,KARAKAYA MEHMET,SALAMCI ELMAS,KÜÇÜKTÜRK GÖKHAN (2015). Design and Analysis of Lightweight Automotive Component for Turbocharger Units. Manufacturing Science and Technology, 3(5), 278-285., Doi: 10.13189/mst.2015.030514

11. SALAMCI ELMAS, KABAKCI FIKRET (2011). Influence of microstructure on tensile properties of dual phase steels. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 26(2), 263-272.

12. SALAMCI ELMAS (2004). Calorimetric and transmission electron microscopy studies of spray deposited Al Zn Mg Cu alloys. Materials Science and Technology, 20(7), 859-863., Doi:10.1179/026708304225010433

13. SALAMCI ELMAS,RF Cochrane (2003). Microstructure and mechanical properties of spray deposited and extruded 7000 series aluminium alloys. Materials Science and Technology, 19(8),1130-1136., Doi: 10.1179/026708303225002136

14. SALAMCI ELMAS (2003). Directonality in the Mechanical Properties of Spray Cast and Extruded 7xxx Series Aluminum Alloys. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Enviromental Science, 27(3), 169-176.

15. SALAMCI ELMAS (2002). Mechanical Properties of Spray Cast 7xxx Series Aluminium Alloys. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Enviromental Science, 26(4), 345-352.

16. SALAMCI ELMAS,RF Cochrane (2002). Investigation of secondary phase particles in spray deposited 7000 series aluminium alloys. Materials Science and Technology, 18(12), 1445-1452., Doi: 10.1179/026708302225007727

17. SALAMCI ELMAS (2001). Ageing Behaviour of Spray Cast Al Zn Cu Mg Alloys. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Enviromental Science, 25(6), 681-686.

18. EMİNE ZEYNEP BİLGİLİ, SALAMCI ELMAS, ASAN ABDURRAHMAN (2017). Investigation of Corrosion Behavior of Powder Metallurgy Materials Produced From DistaloyAB Powders and Electrochemically Coated Chromium With Diamond Nanopartical Additive, Journal of Polytechnic , 20(1), 223-230., Doi: 10.2339/2017.20.1 223_230

19. TÜZEMEN MEHMET ÇAĞRI, SALAMCI ELMAS,AVCI AHMET (2017). Effect of Nanoparticles on Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Nanocomposite Laminates Fiber, Matris and Void Volume Fraction. Gazi University Science Journal: PART:C Design and Technology, 5(1), 11-19.

20. SALAMCI ELMAS (2009). Manufacturing of Spex Type Mechanical Alloying Machine and Product f Aluminium Based Composite Powders. Technology (Teknoloji), 12(1), 69-77.

21 SALAMCI ELMAS (2004). Spray Casting (Sprey Döküm). G.U. Journal of Science , 17(2), 153-171.

22. KİÇECİ EREN CAN, SALAMCI ELMAS, Aircraft – Lightning. Interaction European Journal of Science and Technology, Special Issue, 177-187, April 2020.Doi: 10.31590/ejosat.araconf23.

23. MEHMET ÇAĞRI TÜZEMEN, FARNOUD KHAKZAD, ELMAS SALAMCI (2021). Investigation of Tensile Properties of Glass Fiber/Epoxy Nanocomposites Laminates Enhanced with Graphene Nanoparticles. Fibers and Polymers, 22, 1441-1448.

24. BUSE ÖZDEMİR, ELMAS SALAMCI, MUSTAFA KULOĞLU, AHMET MUAZ ATEŞ (2021). Comparison of radome sandwich composite structures with finite element method. Materialstoday: Proceedings, 34(1), 297-303.

25. AHMET MURAT DURSUN, MEHMET ÇAĞRI TÜZEMEN, ELMAS SALAMCI, OĞUZHAN YILMAZ, RAHMİ ÜNAL (2021). Investigation of compatibility between design and additively manufactured parts of functionally graded porous structures. DOI: 10.2339/politeknik.891080 (Article in press)

CONFERENCES AND SYMPOSIUMS 1. GÖZÜM SİNAN, ÖRÜN ARİF EMRE, SALAMCI ELMAS(2019), Composite Rocket Fin optimizarion Based on Flutter Analysis. AIAC’2019-METU 10th Ankara International Aerospace Conference 18-20 Septenber 2019.

2. ZOGHIPOUR NIMA,SALAMCI ELMAS,ÜNAL RAHMI,GIDIKOVA NELLY, VALOV RADOSLAV,PETKOV VLADIMIR (2017). Synthesis, characterization and tribological studies of Chromium-Nano diamond composite coating. 3rd Iron and Steel Symposium(UDCS’17), 291-296.

3. SAATCI TUTKU,SALAMCI ELMAS,ÜNAL RAHMI,GIDIKOVA NELLY,VALOV RADOSLAV,VLADIMIR PETKOV (2017). Investigating The Corrosion Behavior of Electrodeposited Nickel-Nano Diamond Composite Coating On Porous Materials by The Cyclic Voltammetry Method. 1st International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, 49-54.

4. TÜZEMEN MEHMET ÇAGRI,ÇALIS ASLI,SALAMCI ELMAS,GENCER CEVRİYE (2017). Evaluation of Metallic and Composite Materials Used in Aircraft Wings. 2. International Congress on Engineering Architecture and Design

5. TÜZEMEN MEHMET ÇAGRI,SALAMCI ELMAS (2014). Effect of Microstructure on Mechanical Properties and Abrasive Wear Behavior of Low Carbon Dual Phase Steels. ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, 3, 1-6., Doi:10.1115/ESDA2014-20231

6. SALAMCI ELMAS,CANDAN SENNUR (2012). Effect of Epitaxial Ferrite on Corrosion Behavior of Dual Phase Steels. EUROCORR 2012 The European Corrosion Congress, 257

7. KABAKCI FİKRET,SALAMCI ELMAS (2009). Influence of New Ferrite content on tensile properties of dual phase steel. 5th International Advanced Technologies Symposium Proceedings (IATS09), 13-15 Mayıs, 2009.

8. GERÇEKÇİOĞLU EYYUP,EREN TEOMAN,YILDIZLI KEMAL,KAHRAMAN NAFIZ,SALAMCI ELMAS (2005). The Friction Behaviour on the External Surface of the Friction Stir Welding of AA 6063 T6 Tubes. BalkanTrib'05 5 th International Conference on Tribology, 225-228.

9. DEMİR BİLGE, CANDAN ŞENNUR,SALAMCI ELMAS,ERDOĞAN MEHMET (2004). Effect of intercritical annealing temperature and cooling rate on the corrosion behavior of dual-phase steels. Proceedings of the IX th International Corrosion Symposium, Volume II, 495-501.

PROJECTS DIRECTED Principle Investigator, “Çift Fazlı Çeliklerin Üretilmesi” Z.K.Ü – Erdemir T.A.Ş joint project, 2000-2003.
Principle Investigator, “Dikey Eksenli Çalışan Mekanik Alaşımlama Cihazının İmalatı ve Al Matrisli Metal Matris Kompozit Üretimi”, Zonguldak Karaelmas Universitesi BAP, 2000.38.02.12, 2000-2002.

Principle Investigator, “Mekanik Alaşımlama/Öğütme ile Üretilen Ti-bazlı Kompozit Malzeme Tozlarının Karakterizasyonu”, Zonguldak Karaelmas University BAP , 2001.38.03.34, 2001-2003.

Adviser, “ Turbo Motor Sistemler İçin Susturuculu Motor Hava Kanalı Geliştirilmesi ”, TÜBİTAK-TEYDEB , 7130723, 2014 - 2015.

Principle Investigator, “ Çift Fazlı Çeliklerde Martenzit Hacim Oranının ve Morfolojisinin Yorulma Davranışı Üzerine Etkisi ”, GAZİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ BAP, 2013 - 2015.

Principle Investigator, “Investigation of wear and corrosion behaviour of porous powder metallurgy parts electrochemically coated with diamond nanoparticles modified chromium and nickel ”, TÜBİTAK-BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Joint research project, 214M098, 2015 -2017.

Reseacher, “ Eklemeli İmalat Yöntemi ile Değişken Gözenekli Metal Yapıların Geometrik Tasarımı İmalatı ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin Teorik ve Deneysel Araştırılması ”, TÜBİTAK 1001, 116R021, 2017-2020.